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render() {
const Marker = ReactMapboxGl.Marker;
const ZoomControl = ReactMapboxGl.ZoomControl;
const { buckets, tooltip } = this.props;
if (StringUtils.notEmpty(this.props.mapboxKey)) {
const Map = ReactMapboxGl.Map({
accessToken: this.props.mapboxKey,
attributionControl: false,
let locationPointer = ;
if (this.props.pointerImageUri) {
locationPointer = <img style="{{" alt="location pointer" src="{this.props.pointerImageUri}">;
} else if (this.props.pointerGlyph) {
locationPointer = ;
const points = => {
// Return null if getCoordinatesFromBucket() returns null value
const coordinates = MapFacetContents.getCoordinatesFromBucket(bucket);