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function mapPropsToState(state) {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.locale)
function mapPropsToState(state) {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.locale),
isWhitelisted: state.user.isWhitelisted,
balance: state.token.balance,
function mapPropsToState(state) {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.locale),
isWhitelisted: state.user.isWhitelisted
function mapPropsToState(state) {
return {
web3: state.web3.web3,
currentAddress: state.user.address,
balance: state.token.balance,
translate: getTranslate(state.locale)
function mapPropsToState(state) {
return {
web3: state.web3.web3,
currentAddress: state.user.address,
translate: getTranslate(state.locale)
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, ownProps: IFindPeopleComponentProps) => {
const people = state.getIn(['user', 'people'])
const hasMorePeople = state.getIn(['user', 'people', 'hasMoreData' ], true)
const info: Map = state.getIn(['user', 'info'])
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.get('locale')),
peopleInfo: info,
const mapStateToProps = (state: Map, ownProps: IRouterProps) => {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.get('locale')),
currentLanguage: getActiveLanguage(state.get('locale')).code,
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, ownProps: ISettingComponentProps) => {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.get('locale'))
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, ownProps: IResetPasswordComponentProps) => {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.get('locale')),
const mapStateToProps = (state: any, ownProps: IEmailVerificationComponentProps) => {
return {
translate: getTranslate(state.get('locale'))