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// Vendor
import React, {ChangeEvent, Component} from 'react';
// Vendor Components
import {WithI18n, withI18n} from 'react-i18next';
// Types
import {Language} from 'react-boilerplate/types/language';
interface Props {}
type EnhancedProps = Props & WithI18n;
const enhance = withI18n();
class LanguagePicker extends Component {
render() {
const {t, i18n} = this.props;
return (
<select value="{i18n.language}">
<option value="{Language.French}">{t(`languages.french`)}</option>
<option value="{Language.English}">{t(`languages.english`)}</option>
private handleChange = (event: ChangeEvent) => {
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
alerts: state.alerts,
forceUpdate: state.wallet.forceUpdate,
shouldUpdate: state.wallet.shouldUpdate,
displayTestWarning: state.wallet.displayTestWarning,
const mapDispatchToProps = {
return connect(
DateAcquiredInput.defaultProps = {
onClick: () => { },
value: '',
DateAcquiredInput.propTypes = {
onClick: PropTypes.func,
value: PropTypes.string,
export default withI18n('translation')(SongAvailableView);
SettingsView.propTypes = {
currentTab: PropTypes.object,
handleChange: PropTypes.func,
updateHeader: PropTypes.func,
//resetHeader: PropTypes.func,
refreshTabs: PropTypes.func,
SettingsView.defaultProps = {
currentTab: null,
handleChange: () => { },
updateHeader: () => { },
//resetHeader: () => {},
refreshTabs: () => { },
export default withI18n('translation')(SettingsView);
ExportSetlistModal.propTypes = {
onClose: PropTypes.func,
show: PropTypes.bool,
exportSetlistKey: PropTypes.string,
exportSetlistName: PropTypes.string,
ExportSetlistModal.defaultProps = {
onClose: () => { },
show: false,
exportSetlistKey: '',
exportSetlistName: '',
export default withI18n('translation')(ExportSetlistModal);
DashboardView.propTypes = {
//currentTab: PropTypes.object,
updateHeader: PropTypes.func,
//resetHeader: PropTypes.func,
handleChange: PropTypes.func,
DashboardView.defaultProps = {
//currentTab: null,
updateHeader: () => { },
//resetHeader: () => {},
handleChange: () => { },
export default withI18n('translation')(DashboardView)
FTUEView.propTypes = {
showFTUE: PropTypes.bool,
closeFTUE: PropTypes.func,
FTUEView.defaultProps = {
showFTUE: true,
closeFTUE: () => { },
export default withI18n('translation')(FTUEView);
AutoNodeSwitching.displayName = `withAutoNodeSwitching(${})`;
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
node: state.settings.node,
autoNodeSwitching: state.settings.autoNodeSwitching,
const mapDispatchToProps = {
return connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(withI18n()(AutoNodeSwitching));
SetlistSearchView.propTypes = {
//currentTab: PropTypes.object,
//resetHeader: PropTypes.func,
updateHeader: PropTypes.func,
SetlistSearchView.defaultProps = {
//currentTab: null,
//resetHeader: () => { },
//resetHeader: () => { },
updateHeader: () => { },
export default withI18n('translation')(SetlistSearchView);
artist: '',
album: '',
isSetlist: true,
isDashboard: false,
isSongview: false,
isSongpack: false,
isWeekly: false,
dlcappid: '',
close: () => { },
removeFromDB: () => { },
ignoreArrangement: () => { },
songID: '',
refreshView: () => { },
export default withI18n('translation')(SongDetailView)