How to use the react-hotkeys.withHotKeys function in react-hotkeys

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-hotkeys examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github greena13 / react-hotkeys / examples / src / HOCWrappedNode.js View on Github external
opacity: 1,
      background: COLORS[colorNumber],

    // tabIndex is explicitly set here so we can use the tab key to move between nodes
    // - by default we would set it to -1 so it can only be directly clicked (& tapped?)
    //   or focused programattically
    return (
      <div style="{style}" tabindex="0">
        [Alt+C] Change Color

export default withHotKeys(ACTION_KEY_MAP)(HOCWrappedNode);


A declarative library for handling hotkeys and focus within a React application

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