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import * as React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'patternfly-react';
import { PfColors } from '../Pf/PfColors';
import ReactResizeDetector from 'react-resize-detector';
import { style } from 'typestyle';
import { KialiIcon } from 'config/KialiIcon';
// We have to import it like this, because current index.d.ts file is broken for this component.
const Floater = require('react-floater').default;
export enum StepPlacement {
AUTO = 'auto',
TOP = 'top',
TOP_START = 'top-start',
TOP_END = 'top-end',
RIGHT = 'right',
RIGHT_START = 'right-start',
RIGHT_END = 'right-end',
BOTTOM = 'bottom',
BOTTOM_START = 'bottom-start',
BOTTOM_END = 'bottom-end',
LEFT = 'left',
LEFT_START = 'left-start',
LEFT_END = 'left-end'