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onToggleUnsavedStyleModal: toggleUnsavedStyleModal,
onToggleUnsavedGeometryModal: toggleUnsavedGeometryModal,
onConfirmRemove: confirmRemoveAnnotation,
onCancelClose: cancelCloseAnnotations,
onConfirmClose: confirmCloseAnnotations,
onAdd: newAnnotation,
onHighlight: highlight,
onCleanHighlight: cleanHighlight,
onDetail: showAnnotation,
onFilter: filterAnnotations,
onDownload: download,
onLoadAnnotations: loadAnnotations
const ContainerDimensions = require('react-container-dimensions').default;
const Dock = require('react-dock').default;
class AnnotationsPanel extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
active: PropTypes.bool,
wrap: PropTypes.bool,
wrapWithPanel: PropTypes.bool,
panelStyle: PropTypes.object,
panelClassName: PropTypes.string,
toggleControl: PropTypes.func,
closeGlyph: PropTypes.string,
buttonStyle: PropTypes.object,
style: PropTypes.object,
dockProps: PropTypes.object,
// side panel properties
* Copyright 2018, GeoSolutions Sas.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const React = require('react');
const Dock = require('react-dock').default;
const BorderLayout = require('../../layout/BorderLayout');
const {withState} = require('recompose');
const PanelHeader = require('./PanelHeader');
* Component for rendering a DockPanel
* @memberof components.misc.panels
* @name DockPanel
* @class
* @prop {bool} fluid true calculates the size as a fraction of screen width/height
* @prop {string} className additional class name
* @prop {string} position side of the screen where the panel is located, top, bottom, left and right
* @prop {bool} open show/hide component
* @prop {number} size size of panel 0.0 to 1.0 if fluid instead of px value
* @prop {object} style style of dock panel
* @prop {number} zIndex panel z index
* Copyright 2017, GeoSolutions Sas.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const React = require('react');
const Dock = require('react-dock').default;
const PropTypes = require('prop-types');
* Component for rendering a dockablePanel panel.
* @memberof components.dockablePanel
* @class
* @prop {string} id. The <div> id value of the dockable panel
* @prop {string} dimMode. If none - content is not dimmed, if transparent - pointer events are disabled (so you can click through it), if opaque - click on dim area closes the dock. Default is none
* @prop {number} dockSize. Size of dock panel (width or height, depending on position). Is a % value [0~1]
* @prop {bool} isVisible. If true, dock is visible. Default is true.
* @prop {number} maxDockSize. The maximum extension in %. Default 1.0
* @prop {number} minDockSize. The minimum extension in %. Default 0.1
* @prop {string} position. Side to dock (left, right, top or bottom). Default is bottom.
* @prop {bool} fluid. If true, resize dock proportionally on window resize. Default is true.
* @prop {function} setDockSize. The metod called when the dockable panel is resized
* @prop {object} toolbar. it contains the toolbar</div>
const PropTypes = require('prop-types');
const React = require('react');
const {connect} = require('react-redux');
const {isObject, isEqual, head} = require('lodash');
const Dock = require('react-dock').default;
const {Button, Glyphicon} = require('react-bootstrap');
const Modal = require('../../../components/misc/Modal');
const FilterUtils = require('../../../utils/FilterUtils');
const FeatureGrid = connect((state) => {
return {
select: state.featuregrid && || [],
selectAllActive: state.featuregrid && state.featuregrid.selectAll
}, {})(require('./FeatureGrid'));
const I18N = require('../../../components/I18N/I18N');
const Spinner = require('react-spinkit');
const assign = require('object-assign');
const BorderLayout = require('../components/layout/BorderLayout');
const EMPTY_ARR = [];
const EMPTY_OBJ = {};
const {gridTools, gridEvents, pageEvents, toolbarEvents} = require('./featuregrid/index');
const { initPlugin, sizeChange, setUp} = require('../actions/featuregrid');
const ContainerDimensions = require('react-container-dimensions').default;
const {mapLayoutValuesSelector} = require('../selectors/maplayout');
const Dock = connect(createSelector(
state => mapLayoutValuesSelector(state, {transform: true}),
(size, dockStyle) => ({
* @name FeatureEditor
* @memberof plugins
* @class
* @prop {object} cfg.customEditorsOptions Set of options used to connect the custom editors to the featuregrid
* @prop {object} cfg.editingAllowedRoles array of user roles allowed to enter in edit mode
* @prop {boolean} cfg.virtualScroll default true. Activates virtualScroll. When false the grid uses normal pagination
* @prop {number} cfg.maxStoredPages default 5. In virtual Scroll mode determines the size of the loaded pages cache
* @prop {number} cfg.vsOverScan default 20. Number of rows to load above/below the visible slice of the grid
* @prop {number} cfg.scrollDebounce default 50. milliseconds of debounce interval between two scroll event
* @prop {boolean} cfg.showFilteredObject default false. Displays spatial filter selection area when true
* @prop {boolean} cfg.showTimeSync default false. Shows the button to enable time sync
* @prop {boolean} cfg.timeSync default false. If true, the timeSync is active by default.
* @classdesc
* FeatureEditor Plugin Provides functionalities to browse/edit data via WFS. The grid can be configured to use paging or
* <br>virtual scroll mechanisms. By default virtual scroll is enabled. When on virtual scroll mode, the maxStoredPages param
* Copyright 2017, GeoSolutions Sas.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
const React = require('react');
const PropTypes = require('prop-types');
const Message = require('../I18N/Message');
const {Glyphicon, Panel} = require('react-bootstrap');
const Dock = require('react-dock').default;
const BorderLayout = require('../layout/BorderLayout');
const {NO_DETAILS_AVAILABLE} = require('../../actions/maps');
const LocaleUtils = require('../../utils/LocaleUtils');
const Spinner = require('react-spinkit');
const ResizeDetector = require('react-resize-detector').default;
class DetailsPanel extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
active: PropTypes.bool,
closeGlyph: PropTypes.string,
panelStyle: PropTypes.object,
panelClassName: PropTypes.string,
style: PropTypes.object,
onClose: PropTypes.func,
dockProps: PropTypes.object,