How to use the react-dnd-test-utils.wrapInTestContext function in react-dnd-test-utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-dnd-test-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github react-dnd / react-dnd / packages / examples / src / 01 Dustbin / Single Target / __tests__ / integration.spec.tsx View on Github external
it('can simulate a full drag and drop interaction', () => {
		function TestCase() {
			return (
		const WrappedTestCase = wrapInTestContext(TestCase)

		// Render with the test context that uses the test backend
		const root: any = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument()

		// Obtain a reference to the backend
		const backend = root.getManager().getBackend()

		// Find the drag source ID and use it to simulate the dragging operation
		const box: any = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(root, Box)

		window.alert = jest.fn()

		const dustbin: any = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(root, Dustbin)
github react-dnd / react-dnd / packages / documentation / examples-decorators / src / 01-dustbin / multiple-targets / __tests__ / multiple-target-integration.spec.tsx View on Github external
it('behaves as expected', () =&gt; {
		const Wrapped = wrapInTestContext(Example)
		const root = mount()
		const backend = getInstance()!

		// Verify that all of the key components mounted
		const dustbins = root.find(DndDustbin)
		const boxes = root.find(DndBox)

		window.alert = jest.fn()

		// Bin Types
		const glassBin: DndC = as any
		const foodBin: DndC = as any
		// const paperGlassUrlBin: DndC = dustbins
		// 	.at(2)
github react-dnd / react-dnd / packages / examples / src / 01-dustbin / single-target / __tests__ / single-target-integration.spec.tsx View on Github external
it('can simulate a full drag and drop interaction', () =&gt; {
		function TestCase() {
		const WrappedTestCase = wrapInTestContext(TestCase)

		// Render with the test context that uses the test backend
		const root = mount()

		// Obtain a reference to the backend
		const backend = getBackendFromInstance(root.instance() as any)

		// Find the drag source ID and use it to simulate the dragging operation
		const box: DndComponent = root
			.instance() as any
		const dustbin: DndComponent = root
			.instance() as any
github react-dnd / react-dnd / packages / examples / src / 01-dustbin / single-target / __tests__ / Box.spec.tsx View on Github external
it('can be tested with the testing backend', () =&gt; {
		// Render with the testing backend
		const BoxContext = wrapInTestContext(Box)
		const root = mount()

		// Obtain a reference to the backend
		const element = root.instance() as ContextComponent
		const backend = (element.getManager().getBackend() as any) as TestBackend

		// Check that the opacity is 1
		let div = root.getDOMNode() as HTMLDivElement

		// Find the drag source ID and use it to simulate the dragging state
		const box: any = root.find(Box).instance()

		// Verify that the div changed its opacity
github react-dnd / react-dnd / examples_ts / 01-dustbin / single-target / __tests__ / Box.spec.tsx View on Github external
it('can be tested with the testing backend', () =&gt; {
    // Render with the testing backend
    const BoxContext = wrapInTestContext(Box)
    const root = mount()

    // Obtain a reference to the backend
    const element = root.instance() as ContextComponent
    const backend = (element.getManager().getBackend() as any) as TestBackend

    // Check that the opacity is 1
    let div = root.getDOMNode() as HTMLDivElement

    // Find the drag source ID and use it to simulate the dragging state
    const box: any = root.find(Box).instance()

    // Verify that the div changed its opacity
github react-dnd / react-dnd / packages / react-dnd-decorators / src / __tests__ / ConnectorFunctions.spec.tsx View on Github external
let connectArgs: any[] = []

		const Target = DropTarget(
				drop: () =&gt; ({ name: 'Target' }),
			(connect, monitor, props) =&gt; {
				connectorFired = true
				connectArgs = [connect, monitor, props]
				return { drop: connect.dropTarget() }
		)((props: any) =&gt; props.drop(<div>test target</div>))

		// Render with the test context that uses the test backend
		const WrappedTarget = wrapInTestContext(Target)

		connectArgs.forEach(c =&gt; expect(c).toBeDefined())
github react-dnd / react-dnd / packages / core / react-dnd / src / decorators / __tests__ / ConnectorFunctions.spec.tsx View on Github external
let connectArgs: any[] = []

		const Target = DropTarget(
				drop: () =&gt; ({ name: 'Target' }),
			(connect, monitor, props) =&gt; {
				connectorFired = true
				connectArgs = [connect, monitor, props]
				return { drop: connect.dropTarget() }
		)((props: any) =&gt; props.drop(<div>test target</div>))

		// Render with the test context that uses the test backend
		const WrappedTarget = wrapInTestContext(Target)

		connectArgs.forEach(c =&gt; expect(c).toBeDefined())
github LouisBrunner / dnd-multi-backend / packages / react-dnd-preview / src / __tests__ / index_spec.js View on Github external
const createComponent = () =&gt; {
    const Wrapped = wrapInTestContext(Preview);
    return mount( { return null; }} /&gt;);


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