How to use react-devtools-core - 3 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-devtools-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github shirakaba / react-nativescript / sample / app / app.ts View on Github external
// };
// mySocket.onerror = function(ev: Event){
//     console.error("[SOCKET] Socket had an error", ev);
// };

 * */
(global as any).__DEV__ = true;

// import * as React from "react";
// Object.defineProperty(window, 'React', {
//     value: React
// });

const {connectToDevTools} = require('react-devtools-core');
const wsInstance = connectToDevTools({
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 8097,
    /* This does NOT work */
    // websocket: (global as any).WebSocket,
    resolveRNStyle: null,
    isAppActive: () => true,

console.log(`[app.ts] Got wsInstance:`, wsInstance);
console.log(`[app.ts] wsInstance's onopen was:`, wsInstance.onopen);

(window as any).__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.on('react-devtools', (agent: any) => {
    console.log(`Got 'react-devtools' callback!`);
    // let highlightedNodes: any[] = [];
    // agent.on('highlight', data => {
    //     highlight(data.node,;
github facebook / flipper / src / plugins / reactdevtools / index.tsx View on Github external
async initializeDevTools(devToolsNode: HTMLElement) {
    const port = await getPort({port: 8097}); // default port for dev tools
    const device = await this.getDevice();
    if (device) {
      const host =
        device.deviceType === 'physical'
          ? address.ip()
          : device instanceof AndroidDevice
          ? '' // Host IP for Android emulator host system
          : 'localhost';'config', {port, host});

      if (['quest', 'go', 'pacific'].includes(device.title.toLowerCase())) {
        const device = await this.getDevice();
        (device as AndroidDevice).reverse([port, port]);
github facebook / react / packages / react-devtools / app.html View on Github external

      const $localhost = $("#localhost");
      $localhost.innerText = `


Use react-devtools outside of the browser

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