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export default function() {
store.set('count', 25).then(() => {
console.log(`I modified the store, and I'm not a React component`)
store.set('pippo', 25)
export default function() {
store.set('count', 25).then(() => {
console.log(`I modified the store, and I'm not a React component`)
store.set('pippo', 25)
export default function() {
const [username, setUsername] = useStore('username', 'spyna', true)
const [textValue, setTextValue] = React.useState(username)
function onChange(event) {
function onSubmit(event) {
return (
Set the value <em>"username"</em> in the store
const initialState = { count: 10 }
const storeConfig = {
listener: state => {
console.log('state changed', state)
logging: true //process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
export default withStore(App, initialState, storeConfig)
export default function() {
const [count, setCount, deleteCount] = useStore('count', 0)
return (
Set the value <em>"count"</em> in the store
<button> setCount(count - 1)}>Decrement - </button>
<button> setCount(count + 1)}>Increment + </button>
<button> deleteCount()}>Delete "count" from store</button>
export default function() {
const [setValue, deleteValue] = useSetAndDelete('a-sample-key')
return (
Set/Remove the key<code>'a-sample-key'</code> with the value{' '}
<code>'the value'</code>
<button> setValue('the value')}>
set 'a-sample-key' in store
<button> deleteValue()}>
remove 'a-sample-key' from store
function App() {
const globalState = useStoreState()
return (
<header title="React context Hook">
This is a React App that has a global state. This is the global{' '}
<em>store</em> value.
<pre> <code>{JSON.stringify(globalState, null, ' ')}</code>
You can change the global state from different components, using the</h4></section></header></div>