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componentWillMount() {
const { data } = this.props;
// lister for all conversation changes for this customer
document: gql(graphqlTypes.conversationsChangedSubscription),
variables: { customerId: },
updateQuery: () => {;
messages: [...messages, message]
if (prevEntry) {
return next;
return next;
// listen for conversation changes like status, assignee
document: gql(subscriptions.conversationChanged),
variables: { _id: currentConversationId },
updateQuery: () => {
totalIntegrationsCountQuery: PropTypes.object,
channelDetailQuery: PropTypes.object,
history: PropTypes.object,
location: PropTypes.object
//When there is currentChannel id
const ChannelsWithCurrentContainer = compose(
graphql(gql(queries.channelDetail), {
name: 'channelDetailQuery',
options: ({ currentChannelId }) => ({
variables: { _id: currentChannelId || '' },
fetchPolicy: 'network-only'
graphql(gql(queries.integrationsCount), {
name: 'totalIntegrationsCountQuery',
options: ({ currentChannelId }) => ({
variables: { channelId: currentChannelId || '' }
//Getting lastChannel id to currentChannel
const ChannelsWithLast = props => {
const { lastChannelQuery } = props;
const lastChannel = lastChannelQuery.channelsGetLast || {};
const extendedProps = { ...props, currentChannelId: lastChannel._id };
return ;
const updatedProps = {
item: {},
articles: getArticleListQuery.getKbArticleList,
return ;
NewCategoryContainer.propTypes = {
getArticleListQuery: PropTypes.object,
listRefetch: PropTypes.func,
export default compose(
graphql(gql(queries.getArticleList), {
name: 'getArticleListQuery',
options: () => ({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
return ;
ChannelsWithCurrent.propTypes = {
currentChannelId: PropTypes.string,
totalIntegrationsCountQuery: PropTypes.object,
channelDetailQuery: PropTypes.object,
history: PropTypes.object,
location: PropTypes.object
//When there is currentChannel id
const ChannelsWithCurrentContainer = compose(
graphql(gql(queries.channelDetail), {
name: 'channelDetailQuery',
options: ({ currentChannelId }) => ({
variables: { _id: currentChannelId || '' },
fetchPolicy: 'network-only'
graphql(gql(queries.integrationsCount), {
name: 'totalIntegrationsCountQuery',
options: ({ currentChannelId }) => ({
variables: { channelId: currentChannelId || '' }
//Getting lastChannel id to currentChannel
const ChannelsWithLast = props => {
const ConversationDetailContainer = compose(
graphql(gql(queries.conversationDetail), {
name: 'conversationDetailQuery',
options: ({ currentConversationId }) => {
return {
notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: true,
variables: { _id: currentConversationId }
graphql(gql(mutations.conversationsChangeStatus), {
name: 'changeStatusMutation'
graphql(gql(mutations.markAsRead), {
name: 'markAsReadMutation'
ConversationDetail.contextTypes = {
currentUser: PropTypes.object
* We will use this component when there is not current conversation id
* in query string
const LastConversation = props => {
const { lastConversationQuery } = props;
if (lastConversationQuery.loading) {
return <details>;
DetailsContainer.propTypes = {
id: PropTypes.string,
channelId: PropTypes.string,
queryParams: PropTypes.object,
conversationDetailQuery: PropTypes.object,
subscribeToNewMessages: PropTypes.func,
data: PropTypes.object,
export default compose(
graphql(gql(queries.conversationDetail), {
name: 'conversationDetailQuery',
options: ({ id }) => ({
variables: {
_id: id,
return {
variables: {
memberIds: [userId],
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
graphql(gql(queries.brandList), {
name: 'brandsQuery',
options: () => ({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
graphql(gql(queries.tagList), {
name: 'tagsQuery',
options: () => {
return {
variables: {
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
graphql(gql(queries.conversationCounts), {
name: 'conversationCountsQuery',
options: () => {
return {
variables: {
params: FlowRouter.current().queryParams,
NewTopicContainer.propTypes = {
getCategoryListQuery: PropTypes.object,
getBrandListQuery: PropTypes.object,
listRefetch: PropTypes.func,
export default compose(
graphql(gql(queries.getCategoryList), {
name: 'getCategoryListQuery',
options: () => ({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
graphql(gql(queries.getBrandList), {
name: 'getBrandListQuery',
options: () => ({
fetchPolicy: 'network-only',
//Getting lastChannel id to currentChannel
const ChannelsWithLast = props => {
const { lastChannelQuery } = props;
const lastChannel = lastChannelQuery.channelsGetLast || {};
const extendedProps = { ...props, currentChannelId: lastChannel._id };
return ;
ChannelsWithLast.propTypes = {
lastChannelQuery: PropTypes.object
const ChannelsWithLastContainer = compose(
graphql(gql(queries.channelsGetLast), {
name: 'lastChannelQuery'
//Main channel component
const MainContainer = props => {
const { history } = props;
const currentChannelId = routerUtils.getParam(history, 'id');
if (currentChannelId) {
const extendedProps = { ...props, currentChannelId };
return ;
return ;