How to use the rate-limiter-flexible.RLWrapperBlackAndWhite function in rate-limiter-flexible

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rate-limiter-flexible examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ArkEcosystem / core / packages / core-p2p / src / socket-server / rate-limiter.ts View on Github external
private buildRateLimiter(configuration: IRateLimiterConfiguration, whitelist: string[]): RateLimiterMemory {
        return new RLWrapperBlackAndWhite({
            limiter: new RateLimiterMemory({
                points: configuration.rateLimit,
                duration: configuration.duration || 1,
                blockDuration: configuration.blockDuration,
            whiteList: whitelist,


Node.js rate limiter by key and protection from DDoS and Brute-Force attacks in process Memory, Redis, MongoDb, Memcached, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cluster or PM

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