How to use the random-item.mockReturnValueOnce function in random-item

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few random-item examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Yoctol / bottender-compose / src / __tests__ / random.spec.js View on Github external
xit('should pass extra args to underlying action', () => {
  const Haha = jest.fn();
  const Wow = jest.fn();

  const actions = [Haha, Wow];

  const action = random(actions);

  const context = {
    sendText: jest.fn(),

  const extraArg = {};

  action(context, extraArg);

  expect(Haha).toBeCalledWith(context, extraArg);
github Yoctol / bottender-compose / src / __tests__ / random.spec.js View on Github external
it('should create action that will call sendText', async () => {
  const Haha = sendText('Haha');
  const Wow = sendText('Wow');
  const Cool = sendText('Cool');
  const actions = [Haha, Wow, Cool];

  const Random = random([Haha, Wow, Cool]);

  const context = {
    sendText: jest.fn(),

  const Action = await Random(context);



Get a random item from an array

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Popular random-item functions