Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
handleDelete(range, context) {
// Check for astral symbols
const length = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/.test(context.suffix)
? 2
: 1;
if (range.index >= this.quill.getLength() - length) return;
let formats = {};
const [line] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index).delete(length);
if (context.offset >= line.length() - 1) {
const [next] = this.quill.getLine(range.index + 1);
if (next) {
const curFormats = line.formats();
const nextFormats = this.quill.getFormat(range.index, 1);
formats = AttributeMap.diff(curFormats, nextFormats) || {};
if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
delta = delta.retain(next.length() - 1).retain(1, formats);
this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
handleDelete(range, context) {
// Check for astral symbols
const length = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/.test(context.suffix)
? 2
: 1;
if (range.index >= this.quill.getLength() - length) return;
let formats = {};
const [line] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index).delete(length);
if (context.offset >= line.length() - 1) {
const [next] = this.quill.getLine(range.index + 1);
if (next) {
const curFormats = line.formats();
const nextFormats = this.quill.getFormat(range.index, 1);
formats = AttributeMap.diff(curFormats, nextFormats) || {};
if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
delta = delta.retain(next.length() - 1).retain(1, formats);
this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
handleBackspace(range, context) {
// Check for astral symbols
const length = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/.test(context.prefix)
? 2
: 1;
if (range.index === 0 || this.quill.getLength() <= 1) return;
let formats = {};
const [line] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index - length).delete(length);
if (context.offset === 0) {
// Always deleting newline here, length always 1
const [prev] = this.quill.getLine(range.index - 1);
if (prev) {
const curFormats = line.formats();
const prevFormats = this.quill.getFormat(range.index - 1, 1);
formats = AttributeMap.diff(curFormats, prevFormats) || {};
if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
// line.length() - 1 targets \n in line, another -1 for newline being deleted
const formatDelta = new Delta()
.retain(range.index + line.length() - 2)
.retain(1, formats);
delta = delta.compose(formatDelta);
this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
handleBackspace(range, context) {
// Check for astral symbols
const length = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/.test(context.prefix)
? 2
: 1;
if (range.index === 0 || this.quill.getLength() <= 1) return;
let formats = {};
const [line] = this.quill.getLine(range.index);
let delta = new Delta().retain(range.index - length).delete(length);
if (context.offset === 0) {
// Always deleting newline here, length always 1
const [prev] = this.quill.getLine(range.index - 1);
if (prev) {
const curFormats = line.formats();
const prevFormats = this.quill.getFormat(range.index - 1, 1);
formats = AttributeMap.diff(curFormats, prevFormats) || {};
if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
// line.length() - 1 targets \n in line, another -1 for newline being deleted
const formatDelta = new Delta()
.retain(range.index + line.length() - 2)
.retain(1, formats);
delta = delta.compose(formatDelta);
this.quill.updateContents(delta, Quill.sources.USER);
if (
(index >= scrollLength ||
this.scroll.descendant(BlockEmbed, index)[0]) &&
) {
consumeNextNewline = true;
this.scroll.insertAt(index, text);
const [line, offset] = this.scroll.line(index);
let formats = extend({}, bubbleFormats(line));
if (line instanceof Block) {
const [leaf] = line.descendant(LeafBlot, offset);
formats = extend(formats, bubbleFormats(leaf));
attributes = AttributeMap.diff(formats, attributes) || {};
} else if (typeof op.insert === 'object') {
const key = Object.keys(op.insert)[0]; // There should only be one key
if (key == null) return index;
this.scroll.insertAt(index, key, op.insert[key]);
scrollLength += length;
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(name => {
this.scroll.formatAt(index, length, name, attributes[name]);
return index + length;
}, 0);
normalizedDelta.reduce((index, op) => {
handleDeleteRange(range) {
const lines = this.quill.getLines(range);
let formats = {};
if (lines.length > 1) {
const firstFormats = lines[0].formats();
const lastFormats = lines[lines.length - 1].formats();
formats = AttributeMap.diff(lastFormats, firstFormats) || {};
this.quill.deleteText(range, Quill.sources.USER);
if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
this.quill.formatLine(range.index, 1, formats, Quill.sources.USER);
this.quill.setSelection(range.index, Quill.sources.SILENT);
handleDeleteRange(range) {
const lines = this.quill.getLines(range);
let formats = {};
if (lines.length > 1) {
const firstFormats = lines[0].formats();
const lastFormats = lines[lines.length - 1].formats();
formats = AttributeMap.diff(lastFormats, firstFormats) || {};
this.quill.deleteText(range, Quill.sources.USER);
if (Object.keys(formats).length > 0) {
this.quill.formatLine(range.index, 1, formats, Quill.sources.USER);
this.quill.setSelection(range.index, Quill.sources.SILENT);