How to use the pvtsutils.Convert.ToBinary function in pvtsutils

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github PeculiarVentures / 2key-ratchet / src / crypto / public_key.ts View on Github external
if (!(algName === "ECDH" || algName === "ECDSA")) {
            throw new Error("Error: Unsupported asymmetric key algorithm.");
        if (publicKey.type !== "public") {
            throw new Error("Error: Expected key type to be public but it was not.");
        res.key = publicKey;

        // Serialize public key to JWK
        const jwk = await getEngine().crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", publicKey);
        if (!(jwk.x && jwk.y)) {
            throw new Error("Wrong JWK data for EC public key. Parameters x and y are required.");
        const x = Convert.FromBase64Url(jwk.x);
        const y = Convert.FromBase64Url(jwk.y);
        const xy = Convert.ToBinary(x) + Convert.ToBinary(y);
        res.serialized = Convert.FromBinary(xy); = await res.thumbprint();

        return res;