How to use the punycode/.toASCII function in punycode

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few punycode examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github skeggse / isemail / lib / parser.js View on Github external
const localParts = this.parseLocal();
        const local = localParts.join('.');

        // If there's no domain (i.e. there's no @-symbol) then there's no point
        // in considering the rest. TODO: Maybe have parseLocal pushback the @?
        if (this._diagnoses.hasDiagnosis(Constants.diagnoses.errNoDomain)) {
            return null;

        const { elements: domainParts, domain } = this.parseDomain();

        const normalizedEmail = `${local}@${Punycode.toASCII(domain)}`;

        // TODO: Should we normalize the domain one way or another?
        const domainLength = /^[\x00-\x7f]+$/.test(domain) ? domain.length : Punycode.toASCII(domain).length;
        const emailLength = Buffer.byteLength(local, 'utf8') + domainLength + 1;
        // TODO: Add test for CFWS not impacting this?
        if (emailLength > 254) {
            //   Forward-path   = Path
            //   Path           = "<" [ A-d-l ":" ] Mailbox ">"
            //   The maximum total length of a reverse-path or forward-path is 256 octets (including the punctuation and element separators).
            // Thus, even without (obsolete) routing information, the Mailbox can only be 254 characters long. This is confirmed by this verified
            // erratum to RFC 3696:
            //   However, there is a restriction in RFC 2821 on the length of an address in MAIL and RCPT commands of 254 characters.  Since
github forwardemail / free-email-forwarding / index.js View on Github external
parseDomain(address, isSender = true) {
    let domain = addressParser(address)[0].address.split('@')[1];
    domain = punycode.toASCII(domain);

    // check against blacklist
    if (this.isBlacklisted(domain))
      throw new CustomError(
        `The domain ${domain} is blacklisted by ${}`

    // ensure fully qualified domain name
    if (!validator.isFQDN(domain))
      throw new CustomError(
        `${domain} is not a fully qualified domain name ("FQDN")`

    // prevent disposable email addresses from being used
github skeggse / isemail / lib / parser.js View on Github external
case '.':
                    if (assertEnd === 'literal') {
                        // TODO: This isn't quite the right diagnosis

                    // Next dot-atom element
                    if (!element) {
                        // Another dot, already? Fatal error.
                        this.diagnose(elements.length === 0 ? Constants.diagnoses.errDotStart : Constants.diagnoses.errConsecutiveDots);
                    else if (element[element.length - 1] === '-') {
                        // Previous subdomain ended in a hyphen. Fatal error.
                        this.diagnose(Constants.diagnoses.errDomainHyphenEnd, this._reader.prevIndex - 1);
                    else if (Punycode.toASCII(element).length > 63) {
                        // RFC 5890 specifies that domain labels that are encoded using the Punycode algorithm
                        // must adhere to the <= 63 octet requirement.
                        // This includes string prefixes from the Punycode algorithm.
                        // labels          63 octets or less


                    // CFWS is OK again now we're at the beginning of an element (although
                    // it may be obsolete CFWS)
                    assertEnd = null;

                    element = '';
github skeggse / isemail / lib / parser.js View on Github external
if (element[element.length - 1] === '-') {
                // TODO: Fix the index on this

            // Per RFC 5321, domain atoms are limited to letter-digit-hyphen, so we only need to check code <= 57 to check for a digit.
            // This also works with i18n domains.
            if (element.codePointAt(0) <= 57) {

            if (Punycode.toASCII(element).length > 63) {

            if (Punycode.toASCII(elements.join('.')).length > 255) {
                //   The maximum total length of a domain name or number is 255 octets.

        // TODO: Also validate minDomainAtoms, tldAllow/tldForbid

        return { elements, domain: elements.join('.') };
github brave / browser-laptop / js / lib / urlutil.js View on Github external
getPunycodeUrl: function (url) {
    try {
      const parsed = urlParse(url)
      parsed.hostname = punycode.toASCII(parsed.hostname)
      return urlFormat(parsed)
    } catch (e) {
      var splitUrl = url.split('@')
      splitUrl = => punycode.toASCII(str))
      return splitUrl.join('@')
github forwardemail / free-email-forwarding / index.js View on Github external
parseUsername(address) {
    ({ address } = addressParser(address)[0]);
    let username = address.includes('+')
      ? address.split('+')[0]
      : address.split('@')[0];

    username = punycode.toASCII(username).toLowerCase();
    return username;
github skeggse / isemail / lib / validation.js View on Github external
internals.canonicalizeAtom = function (atom) {

    return Punycode.toASCII(atom).toLowerCase();


A robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891, and works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.

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