How to use pug-runtime - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pug-runtime examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github JPeer264 / node-rcs-core / lib / replace / pug.js View on Github external
walk(ast, (node) => {
    if ( === 'script' || === 'style') {
      const modifiedBlockNodes = => {
        if (block.type === 'Code') {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          block.type = 'Text';
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          block.val = `#{${block.val}}`;

        return block;
      const newCode = wrap((
          { ...node.block, nodes: modifiedBlockNodes }
      const replacedCode = === 'script'
        ? replaceJs(newCode, merge(options.espreeOptions, { sourceFile: opts.sourceFile }))
        : replaceCss(newCode, { sourceFile: opts.sourceFile });

      // add one tab after each new line
      const pugCode = `${}.\n${replacedCode}`.replace(/\n/g, '\n\t');
      const astReplaced = parser(lex(pugCode));
      const scriptBlock = astReplaced.nodes[0].block;

      // do not change entire scriptBlock
      // this might be look like the correct ast,
      // but the begin and end loc numbers are wrong
github shidhincr / pug-to-html / src / api.js View on Github external
export function compilePugTemplate(str = '', locals = {}) {
  try {
    let funcStr = generateCode(parse(lex(str)), {
      compileDebug: false,
      pretty: true,
      inlineRuntimeFunctions: false,
      templateName: '_parse'
    let func = wrap(funcStr, '_parse');
    return func(locals);
  } catch (e) {
    return `Compile Error: ${e.message}`;


The runtime components for the pug templating language

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Popular pug-runtime functions