How to use properties-reader - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few properties-reader examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github oguzhaninan / Stacer / src / components / startup-apps / StartupApps.js View on Github external
files.filter(file => file.endsWith('.desktop')).forEach(file => {
							try {
								var entry = properties(localStorage.autostartApps + '/' + file)
								if (entry.get('Desktop Entry.Name') != null) {
									let appName = entry.get('Desktop Entry.Name')
									let isStart = entry.get('Desktop Entry.X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled')
									let appComment = entry.get('Desktop Entry.Comment')
									let appExec = entry.get('Desktop Entry.Exec')

									if (appName != null) {
											name: appName,
											file: file,
											isStart: (isStart != null ? isStart : true)
github sakuli / sakuli / packages / sakuli-commons / src / properties / sources / java / create-properties-reader.function.ts View on Github external
export function createPropertyReader(path: string | string[]) {
    const paths = Array.isArray(path) ? path : [path];
    const [head, ...files] = paths;
    let reader = PropertiesReader(head);
    for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        reader = reader.append(files[i]);
    return reader;
github lbryio / lighthouse.js / server / utils / importer / index.js View on Github external
fileExists(path.join(os.homedir(), '.lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf'), (err, exists) => {
      if (err) { reject(err) };
      let config = {'username': 'lbry', 'password': 'lbry', 'rpc_port': 9245};
      if (exists) {
        let prop = PropertiesReader(path.join(os.homedir(), '.lbrycrd/lbrycrd.conf'));
        config.username = prop.get('rpcuser');
        config.password = prop.get('rpcpassword');
        config.rpc_port = prop.get('rpcport');
        let client = new bitcoin.Client({
          host   : 'localhost',
          port   : config.rpc_port,
          user   : config.username,
          pass   : config.password,
          timeout: 30000,
      } else {
        let client = new bitcoin.Client({
          host   : 'localhost',
          port   : config.rpc_port,
          user   : config.username,
github oguzhaninan / Stacer / src / startup-apps.js View on Github external
.forEach( file =>
                    try {
                        var entry = properties(commands.autostartApps+ '/' + file)

                        if ( entry.get('Desktop Entry.Name') != null )
                            let appName = entry.get('Desktop Entry.Name')
                            let isStart = entry.get('Desktop Entry.X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled')

                            if ( appName != null ){
                                apps.push( {
                                    name: appName,
                                    file: file,
                                    isStart: ( isStart != null ? isStart: true )


Properties file reader for Node.js

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Popular properties-reader functions