How to use the prompt.delimiter function in prompt

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few prompt examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github modjs / mod / lib / tasks / init.js View on Github external
            // events extend
            _.extend(generator, new EventEmitter);
            var options = generator.options;

            if (Object.keys(options).length > 0) {
                var prompt = require('prompt');
                prompt.message = '[' + '?'.green + ']';
                prompt.delimiter = ' ';

                console.log(['\nGenerator', ('"'+template+'"').green, 'needs answer the following question:'].join(' '));

                // Add one final "are you sure?" prompt.
                options['PROMPTS_COMFIRM'] = {
                    message: 'Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing?'.green,
                    default: 'y/N'
                // Start the prompt

                (function prompts(){
                    var promptSeries = {};
                        promptSeries[key] = function(callback){
                            var properties = {};
github flatiron / flatiron / lib / flatiron / plugins / cli.js View on Github external
this.__defineGetter__('prompt', function () {
    if (!this._prompt) {
      // Pass-thru any prompt specific options that are supplied.
      var prompt = require('prompt'),
          self = this;

      prompt.allowEmpty = options.allowEmpty || prompt.allowEmpty;
      prompt.message    = options.message    || prompt.message;
      prompt.delimiter  = options.delimiter  || prompt.delimiter; = ||;

      // Setup `destroy` property for destructive commands
      // = {
        name: 'destroy',
        message: 'This operation cannot be undone, Would you like to proceed?',
        default: 'yes'

      // Hoist up any prompt specific events and re-emit them as
      // `prompt::*` events.
      ['start', 'pause', 'resume', 'prompt', 'invalid'].forEach(function (ev) {
github NodeBB / NodeBB / src / install.js View on Github external
function setupConfig(next) {
	var configureDatabases = require('../install/databases');

	// prompt prepends "prompt: " to questions, let's clear that.
	prompt.message = '';
	prompt.delimiter = '';
	prompt.colors = false;

		function (next) {
			if (install.values) {
				// Use provided values, fall back to defaults
				var config = {};
				var redisQuestions = require('./database/redis').questions;
				var mongoQuestions = require('./database/mongo').questions;
				var postgresQuestions = require('./database/postgres').questions;
				var allQuestions = questions.main.concat(questions.optional).concat(redisQuestions).concat(mongoQuestions).concat(postgresQuestions);

				allQuestions.forEach(function (question) {
					if (install.values.hasOwnProperty( {
						config[] = install.values[];
					} else if (question.hasOwnProperty('default')) {
github ston3o / rdcli / lib / bin.js View on Github external
console.log('Error: link not found');

    exec("mkdir -p " + options.path, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
        if (err) throw err;

    if (options.username.length !== 0 && options.password.length !== 0) {

	prompt.message = null;
	prompt.delimiter = "";
	prompt.colors = false;
	prompt.get(options.schema, function (err, result) {
		options.password = result.password;
		options.username = result.username;

        if (options.username.length == 0 || options.password.length == 0) {
            console.log('Error: Enter a username/password');

github thundernet8 / generator-mpvue-project / app / index.js View on Github external
promptOptions() {
        const that = this;
        const done = this.async();

        prompt.message = chalk.gray(' question');
        prompt.delimiter = ':';

                properties: {
                    name: {
                        description: chalk.white.bold('name'),
                        type: 'string',
                        pattern: /^[a-z0-9-_]+$/,
                        message: 'name must be lower-cased letters',
                        hidden: false,
                        replace: '*',
                        default: '',
                        required: true
                    description: {
github ryanburgess / sassysass / lib / commands / mixin.js View on Github external
function startPrompt() {


    prompt.message = 'SassySass'.magenta;
    prompt.delimiter = ' ';

      properties: {
        section: {
          description: 'Choose Section for New Mixin:\n'.red + (section, index) {
            return index + '. ' + section;
          }).join('\n').white + '\n'
        mixinName: {
          description: 'Enter a Name for New Mixin:'.red
    }, function (err, result) {
      if(err) {
        return err;
github matrix-io / matrix-cli / bin / matrix-register.js View on Github external
        password: {
          required: true,
          pattern: /^(?=.*?[a-zA-Z])(?=.*?[0-9]).{6,}/,
          message: 'Password must be at least 6 characters long and should contain a lower case letter and a number',
          hidden: true,
          description: 'Password: '
        confirmPassword: {
          hidden: true,
          description: 'Confirm Password: '

    prompt.delimiter = '';
    prompt.message = 'User -- ';
    prompt.get(schema, function(err, result) {
      /*if (err && err.toString().indexOf('canceled') > 0) {
        err = new Error('User registration cancelled');
      } */
      result.profile = profile;
      cb(err, result);
github apache / cordova-blackberry / bin / templates / project / cordova / lib / utils.js View on Github external
prompt: function (options, done) {
        var promptSchema = {
                properties: {
                    "property": options
        promptLib.colors = false;
        promptLib.message = "";
        promptLib.delimiter = "";
        promptLib.get(promptSchema, function (err, results) {
            done(err, !err &&;
github kacole2 / s3motion / s3motion.js View on Github external
.usage('-flag  Supply only 1 flag. Args will vary based on flag. To use the wizard, type the flag and "wizard" (ie. s3motion -n wizard)')
	.option('-n, --newClient <--name --accessKeyId --secretAccessKey --endpoint>', 'Add a New Client (will be stored in clients.json)')
	.option('-L, --listClients', 'List clients')
	.option('-b, --listBuckets <--client>', 'List buckets for a specific client')
	.option('-N, --newBucket <--client --name>', 'Create a new bucket')
	.option('-l, --listObjects <--client --bucket>', 'List objects in a bucket')
	.option('-d, --downloadObject <--client --bucket --object --folder>', 'Download object(s) from bucket. Multiple object download supported by using commas and no spaces.')
	.option('-u, --uploadObject <--client --bucket --object --folder>', 'Upload object(s) to bucket. Multiple object upload supported by using commas and no spaces.')
	.option('-D, --deleteObject <--client --bucket --object>', 'Delete object(s) from bucket. Multiple deletion supported by using commas and no spaces.')
	.option('-c, --copyObject <--sourceClient --sourceBucket --object --destClient --destBucket --delete>', 'Copy object(s) between buckets. If --delete is Y, then source object is deleted after copy.')
	.option('-C, --copyBucket <--sourceClient --sourceBucket --destClient --destBucket>', 'Copy objects between buckets')
	.option('-R, --REST', 'Starts the REST based Web Service on port 8080')

prompt.message = "";
prompt.delimiter = "";
prompt.colors = false;
prompt.override = optimist.argv;

if (program.newClient) {
	var questions = {
	    properties: {
		    	name: {
		    		description: 'Name: ',
		    		required: true
		    	accessKeyId: {
		    		description: 'Access Key: ',
		    		required: true
		    	secretAccessKey: {
		    		description: 'Secret Access Key: ',
github cameronwp / hurtling-through-space / bin / new-post.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    prompt.message = '📖';
    prompt.delimiter = '  ';

    const params = {
      properties: {
        title: {
          message: 'Title of the new post',
          required: true
        tags: {
          message: 'Comma separated tags'

    prompt.get(params, (err, result) => {
      if (err) {