How to use probe-image-size - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few probe-image-size examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github BUPT / / tests / integration.spec.ts View on Github external
test('image size should not more than 1MB', async t => {
  const MAX_WIDTH = 1920         // HD
  const MAX_SIZE  = 1024 * 1024  // 1MB

  const fileList = await glob('docs/assets/**/*.{jpg,png,gif}')
  t.true(fileList.length > 0, 'should get image file list')

  for (const file of fileList) {
    const size = fs.statSync(file)['size']
    if (size < 1e3) {
      // File size less than 1KB, should be a Git LFS (Large File Storage) pointer

    const dim = await probeImageSize(fs.createReadStream(file))
    if (dim.width > MAX_WIDTH || size > MAX_SIZE) {`${file} exceed the max limit: width: ${dim.width}, size: ${size}. use "./scripts/ " to adjust it fit.`)
github dad-skyrocket / dad_management / dad-management-client / src / routes / campaign / Modal.js View on Github external
addNewUrl = () => {
        if (isVideo(this.state.newUrl)) {
            this.props.onChange((this.props.value || []).concat({
                url: this.state.newUrl,
                isIcon: false,

                newUrl: '',
        } else if (isImage(this.state.newUrl)) {
            probe(this.state.newUrl).then((result) => {
                // console.log(result) // =>
                    width: xx,
                    height: yy,
                    type: 'jpg',
                    mime: 'image/jpeg',
                    wUnits: 'px',
                    hUnits: 'px',
                    url: ''
                this.props.onChange((this.props.value || []).concat({
                    url: this.state.newUrl,
                    width: result.width,
                    height: result.height,
github mozilla / addons-linter / src / parsers / manifestjson.js View on Github external
async function getImageMetadata(io, iconPath) {
  // Get a non-utf8 input stream by setting encoding to null.
  // (only needed for the 'io/directory' module which open the file using the utf-8
  // encoding by default).
  let encoding = null;

  if (iconPath.endsWith('.svg')) {
    encoding = 'utf-8';

  const data = await io.getFileAsStream(iconPath, { encoding });
  return probeImageSize(data);
github expo / expo-cli / libraries / schemer / src / index.js View on Github external
}) {
    if (meta && meta.asset && data) {
      const { asset, dimensions, square, contentTypePattern, contentTypeHuman }: Meta = meta;
      // filePath could be an URL
      const filePath = path.resolve(this.rootDir, data);
      try {
        // Assumption: All assets are images. This may change in the future.
        // NOTE(nikki): The '4100' below should be enough for most file types, though we
        //              could probably go shorter....
        //  The metadata content for .jpgs might be located a lot farther down the file, so this
        //  may pose problems in the future.
        //  This cases on whether filePath is a remote URL or located on the machine
        const probeResult = fs.existsSync(filePath)
          ? imageProbe.sync(await readChunk(filePath, 0, 4100))
          : await imageProbe(data, { useElectronNet: false });

        const { width, height, type, mime, wUnits, hUnits } = probeResult;

        if (contentTypePattern && !mime.match(new RegExp(contentTypePattern))) {
            new ValidationError({
              errorCode: ErrorCodes.INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE,
              message: `field '${fieldPath}' should point to ${meta.contentTypeHuman} but the file at '${data}' has type ${type}`,

        if (dimensions && (dimensions.height !== height || dimensions.width != width)) {
github tomoyukikashiro / html2amp / lib / utils.js View on Github external
const srcNode = async (cwd, attributes) => {
  const { src, alt = '', ...attrs } = attributes
  const url = normalizeUrl(normalizeSrc(src, attributes.srcset))
  let size = { width: null, height: null }
  if (url.startsWith('http')) {
    const result = await probe(url)
    size = { width: result.width, height: result.height }
  } else if (url.startsWith('data:')) {
    const buffer = uriToBuffer(url)
    const result = probe.sync(buffer)
    size = { width: result.width, height: result.height }
  } else {
    const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(path.join(cwd, url))
    const result = await probe(fileStream)
    size = { width: result.width, height: result.height }
  // remove loading attribute
  let { loading, ..._attrs } = attrs
  _attrs = { src: url, alt, width: size.width, height: size.height, layout: 'responsive', ..._attrs }
  const _attrsStr = Object.keys(_attrs).map(key => `${key}="${_attrs[key]}"`).join(' ')
  return ``
github expo / expo-cli / libraries / schemer / src / index.js View on Github external
meta: Meta,
  }) {
    if (meta && meta.asset && data) {
      const { asset, dimensions, square, contentTypePattern, contentTypeHuman }: Meta = meta;
      // filePath could be an URL
      const filePath = path.resolve(this.rootDir, data);
      try {
        // Assumption: All assets are images. This may change in the future.
        // NOTE(nikki): The '4100' below should be enough for most file types, though we
        //              could probably go shorter....
        //  The metadata content for .jpgs might be located a lot farther down the file, so this
        //  may pose problems in the future.
        //  This cases on whether filePath is a remote URL or located on the machine
        const probeResult = fs.existsSync(filePath)
          ? imageProbe.sync(await readChunk(filePath, 0, 4100))
          : await imageProbe(data, { useElectronNet: false });

        const { width, height, type, mime, wUnits, hUnits } = probeResult;

        if (contentTypePattern && !mime.match(new RegExp(contentTypePattern))) {
            new ValidationError({
              errorCode: ErrorCodes.INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE,
              message: `field '${fieldPath}' should point to ${meta.contentTypeHuman} but the file at '${data}' has type ${type}`,
github expo / expo-cli / packages / schemer / src / index.ts View on Github external
async _validateImageAsync({ fieldPath, data, meta }: AssetField) {
    if (meta && meta.asset && data) {
      const { dimensions, square, contentTypePattern }: Meta = meta;
      // filePath could be an URL
      const filePath = path.resolve(this.rootDir, data);
      try {
        // NOTE(nikki): The '4100' below should be enough for most file types, though we
        //              could probably go shorter....
        //  The metadata content for .jpgs might be located a lot farther down the file, so this
        //  may pose problems in the future.
        //  This cases on whether filePath is a remote URL or located on the machine
        const probeResult = fs.existsSync(filePath)
          ? imageProbe.sync(await readChunk(filePath, 0, 4100))
          : await imageProbe(data, { useElectronNet: false });
        if (!probeResult) {

        const { width, height, type, mime } = probeResult;

        if (contentTypePattern && !mime.match(new RegExp(contentTypePattern))) {
            new ValidationError({
              errorCode: 'INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE',
              message: `field '${fieldPath}' should point to ${meta.contentTypeHuman} but the file at '${data}' has type ${type}`,
github gridsome / gridsome / gridsome / lib / app / queue / ImageProcessQueue.js View on Github external
const defaultBlur = this.config.images.defaultBlur

    if (!imageExtensions.includes(ext)) {
      throw new Error(
        `${ext} is not a supported image format. ` +
        `Supported extensions are ${imageExtensions.join(', ')}.`

    if (!await fs.exists(filePath)) {
      throw new Error(`${filePath} was not found.`)

    const hash = await md5File(filePath)
    const buffer = await fs.readFile(filePath)
    const originalSize = imageSize.sync(buffer) || { width: 1, height: 1 }

    const { imageWidth, imageHeight } = computeScaledImageSize(originalSize, options, maxImageWidth)

    let imageWidths = options.imageWidths || [480, 1024, 1920, 2560]

    if (typeof imageWidths === 'string') {
      imageWidths = imageWidths.split(',')

    let imageSizes = imageWidths.filter(size => size <= imageWidth)
    const maxWidth = Math.max(...imageSizes, 0)

    if (!options.imageWidths) {
      if (imageWidth > maxWidth || imageSizes.length === 0) {
github FreeFeed / freefeed-server / app / models / attachment.js View on Github external
async function getImageSize(fileName) {
  const input = createReadStream(fileName);

  try {
    const { width, height } = await probe(input);
    return { width, height };
  } finally {
github intuit / Ignite / src / loaders / html-to-react.js View on Github external
return getSources(rawSource).map(async src => {
    if (src.includes('//')) {
      const rawSrc = src;

      if (!src.includes('http')) {
        src = 'http:' + src;

      let dimensions;

      try {
        dimensions = await probe(src);
      } catch (error) {
        printError(`Couldn't resolve image: ${src}`);

        dimensions = {};

      return new Promise(resolve => {
          `'${rawSrc}': () => Promise.resolve({
              default: {
                src: { src: '${src}' },
                preSrc: '${src}',
                height: ${dimensions.height},
                width: ${dimensions.width}


Get image size without full download (JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP, BMP, TIFF, PSD)

Latest version published 3 years ago

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