Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
var assert = require("assert");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize;
var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
var types = require("./types");
var isString = types.builtInTypes.string;
var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos;
var Mapping = require("./mapping");
// Goals:
// 1. Minimize new string creation.
// 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time.
// 3. Permit negative indentations.
// 4. Enforce immutability.
// 5. No newline characters.
function getSecret(lines) {
return lines[secretKey];
var assert = require("assert");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize;
var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
var types = require("./types");
var isString = types.builtInTypes.string;
var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos;
var Mapping = require("./mapping");
// Goals:
// 1. Minimize new string creation.
// 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time.
// 3. Permit negative indentations.
// 4. Enforce immutability.
// 5. No newline characters.
function getSecret(lines) {
return lines[secretKey];
var assert = require("assert");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize;
var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
var types = require("./types");
var isString = types.builtInTypes.string;
var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos;
var Mapping = require("./mapping");
// Goals:
// 1. Minimize new string creation.
// 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time.
// 3. Permit negative indentations.
// 4. Enforce immutability.
// 5. No newline characters.
function getSecret(lines) {
return lines[secretKey];
var assert = require("assert");
var types = require("./types");
var n = types.namedTypes;
var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array;
var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object;
var linesModule = require("./lines");
var fromString = linesModule.fromString;
var Lines = linesModule.Lines;
var concat = linesModule.concat;
var util = require("./util");
var comparePos = util.comparePos;
var childNodesCacheKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
// TODO Move a non-caching implementation of this function into ast-types,
// and implement a caching wrapper function here.
function getSortedChildNodes(node, resultArray) {
if (!node) {
// The .loc checks below are sensitive to some of the problems that
// are fixed by this utility function. Specifically, if it decides to
// set node.loc to null, indicating that the node's .loc information
// is unreliable, then we don't want to add node to the resultArray.
if (resultArray) {
if (n.Node.check(node) &&
var assert = require("assert");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize;
var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
var types = require("./types");
var isString = types.builtInTypes.string;
var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos;
var Mapping = require("./mapping");
// Goals:
// 1. Minimize new string creation.
// 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time.
// 3. Permit negative indentations.
// 4. Enforce immutability.
// 5. No newline characters.
function getSecret(lines) {
return lines[secretKey];
var assert = require("assert");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize;
var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
var types = require("./types");
var isString = types.builtInTypes.string;
var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos;
var Mapping = require("./mapping");
// Goals:
// 1. Minimize new string creation.
// 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time.
// 3. Permit negative indentations.
// 4. Enforce immutability.
// 5. No newline characters.
function getSecret(lines) {
return lines[secretKey];
var assert = require("assert");
var types = require("./types");
var n = types.namedTypes;
var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array;
var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object;
var linesModule = require("./lines");
var fromString = linesModule.fromString;
var Lines = linesModule.Lines;
var concat = linesModule.concat;
var util = require("./util");
var comparePos = util.comparePos;
var childNodesCacheKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
// TODO Move a non-caching implementation of this function into ast-types,
// and implement a caching wrapper function here.
function getSortedChildNodes(node, lines, resultArray) {
if (!node) {
// The .loc checks below are sensitive to some of the problems that
// are fixed by this utility function. Specifically, if it decides to
// set node.loc to null, indicating that the node's .loc information
// is unreliable, then we don't want to add node to the resultArray.
util.fixFaultyLocations(node, lines);
if (resultArray) {
if (n.Node.check(node) &&
var assert = require("assert");
var types = require("./types");
var n = types.namedTypes;
var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array;
var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object;
var linesModule = require("./lines");
var fromString = linesModule.fromString;
var Lines = linesModule.Lines;
var concat = linesModule.concat;
var util = require("./util");
var comparePos = util.comparePos;
var childNodesCacheKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
// TODO Move a non-caching implementation of this function into ast-types,
// and implement a caching wrapper function here.
function getSortedChildNodes(node, lines, resultArray) {
if (!node) {
// The .loc checks below are sensitive to some of the problems that
// are fixed by this utility function. Specifically, if it decides to
// set node.loc to null, indicating that the node's .loc information
// is unreliable, then we don't want to add node to the resultArray.
util.fixFaultyLocations(node, lines);
if (resultArray) {
if (n.Node.check(node) &&
import assert from "assert";
import * as types from "ast-types";
const n = types.namedTypes;
const isArray = types.builtInTypes.array;
const isObject = types.builtInTypes.object;
import { Lines, concat } from "./lines";
import { comparePos, fixFaultyLocations } from "./util";
import { makeUniqueKey } from "private";
const childNodesCacheKey = makeUniqueKey();
// TODO Move a non-caching implementation of this function into ast-types,
// and implement a caching wrapper function here.
function getSortedChildNodes(node: any, lines: any, resultArray?: any) {
if (!node) {
// The .loc checks below are sensitive to some of the problems that
// are fixed by this utility function. Specifically, if it decides to
// set node.loc to null, indicating that the node's .loc information
// is unreliable, then we don't want to add node to the resultArray.
fixFaultyLocations(node, lines);
if (resultArray) {
if (n.Node.check(node) &&
var assert = require("assert");
var sourceMap = require("source-map");
var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize;
var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey();
var types = require("./types");
var isString = types.builtInTypes.string;
var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos;
var Mapping = require("./mapping");
// Goals:
// 1. Minimize new string creation.
// 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time.
// 3. Permit negative indentations.
// 4. Enforce immutability.
// 5. No newline characters.
function getSecret(lines) {
return lines[secretKey];