How to use the primeng/dom.DomHandler.fadeIn function in primeng

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github primefaces / primeng / src / app / components / galleria / galleria.ts View on Github external
select(index, reposition) {
        if(index !== this.activeIndex) {            
            let oldPanel = this.panels[this.activeIndex],
            newPanel = this.panels[index];
            DomHandler.fadeIn(newPanel, this.effectDuration);
            if(this.showFilmstrip) {
                let oldFrame = this.frames[this.activeIndex],
                newFrame = this.frames[index];
                if(reposition === undefined || reposition === true) {
                    let frameLeft = newFrame.offsetLeft,
                    stepFactor = this.frameWidth + parseInt(getComputedStyle(newFrame)['margin-right'], 10),
                    stripLeft = this.strip.offsetLeft,
                    frameViewportLeft = frameLeft + stripLeft,
                    frameViewportRight = frameViewportLeft + this.frameWidth;
                    if(frameViewportRight > DomHandler.width(this.stripWrapper))
                        this.stripLeft -= stepFactor;
                    else if(frameViewportLeft < 0)
                        this.stripLeft += stepFactor;