How to use preq - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few preq examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github wikimedia / html-metadata / test / scraping.js View on Github external
it('should return an object or array and get correct data', function() {
					return preq.get(test).then(function(callRes) {
						var chtml = cheerio.load(callRes.body);
						return meta.parseJsonLd(chtml)
						.then(function(res) {
							assert.ok(typeof res === 'object');
							var result = res.filter(function(r) {
								return r['@type'] === 'Organization';
							})[0]; // Check the first organisation for the correct properties
							['@context', '@type', 'url', 'logo'].forEach(function(key) {
github kartotherian / kartotherian / test / features / v1 / siteinfo.js View on Github external
  it('should get all general enwiki site info', () => preq.get({
  }).then((res) => {
    // check the status
    assert.status(res, 200);
    // check the returned Content-Type header
    assert.contentType(res, 'application/json');
    // inspect the body
    assert.notDeepEqual(res.body, undefined, 'No body returned!');
    assert.notDeepEqual(res.body.server, undefined, 'No server field returned!');
github kartotherian / tilerator / test / features / v1 / page.js View on Github external
  it('should get the whole page body', () => preq.get({
  }).then((res) => {
    // check the status
    assert.status(res, 200);
    // check the returned Content-Type header
    assert.contentType(res, 'text/html');
    // inspect the body
    assert.notDeepEqual(res.body, undefined, 'No body returned!');
    // this should be the right page
    if (!/<\s*?h1.+Mulholland/.test(res.body)) {
      throw new Error('Not the title I was expecting!');
github kartotherian / kartotherian / test / features / info / info.js View on Github external
function checkRet(fieldName) {
        return preq.get({
            uri: infoUri + fieldName
        }).then(function(res) {
            // check the returned Content-Type header
            assert.contentType(res, 'application/json');
            // the status as well
            assert.status(res, 200);
            // finally, check the body has the specified field
            assert.notDeepEqual(res.body, undefined, 'No body returned!');
            assert.notDeepEqual(res.body[fieldName], undefined, 'No ' + fieldName + ' field returned!');
github wikimedia / restbase / maintenance / generate_random_load.js View on Github external
.then(() => {
                    return P.all([
                        .catch((err) => {
                            // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
                            console.log(`${new Date()} Failed to fetch HTML ${title}/${revision}/${tid} from test RB: ${err}`);
                        .catch((err) => {
                            // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
                            console.log(`${new Date()} Failed to fetch Data-Parsoid ${title}/${revision}/${tid} from test RB: ${err}`);
github kartotherian / kartotherian / routes / v1.js View on Github external
function getBody(domain, title) {

    // get the page
    return preq.get({
        uri: 'http://' + domain + '/w/index.php',
        query: {
            title: title
    }).then(function(callRes) {
        // and then load and parse the page
        return BBPromise.resolve(domino.createDocument(callRes.body));

github kartotherian / kartotherian / packages / tilerator / routes / v1.js View on Github external
function getBody(domain, title) {

    // get the page
    return preq.get({
        uri: 'http://' + domain + '/w/index.php',
        query: {
            title: title
    }).then(function(callRes) {
        // and then load and parse the page
        return BBPromise.resolve(domino.createDocument(callRes.body));

github wikimedia / html-metadata / test / errors.js View on Github external
it('should not find dublin core metadata, reject promise', function() {
		var url = '';
		return preq.get(url)
		.then(function(callRes) {
			var $ = cheerio.load(callRes.body);
			var prom = meta.parseDublinCore($);
			return assert.fails(prom);
github wikimedia / html-metadata / test / scraping.js View on Github external
it('should get html lang parameter', function() {
			var expected = "fr";
			var options =  {
				url: "",
				headers: {
					'User-Agent': 'webscraper'
			return preq.get(options).then(function(callRes) {
				var chtml = cheerio.load(callRes.body);
				return meta.parseGeneral(chtml).then(function(results) {
					assert.deepEqual(results.lang, expected);
github kartotherian / tilerator / test / features / app / app.js View on Github external
  it('should get robots.txt', () => preq.get({
    uri: `${server.config.uri}robots.txt`,
  }).then((res) => {
    assert.deepEqual(res.status, 200);
    assert.deepEqual(res.headers.disallow, '/');


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