How to use the pouchdb-utils.toPromise function in pouchdb-utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pouchdb-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pouchdb / pouchdb / packages / node_modules / pouchdb-adapter-idb / src / index.js View on Github external
if (metadata.seq) {
        return onGetMetadataSeq();



  api._remote = false;
  api.type = function () {
    return 'idb';

  api._id = toPromise(function (callback) {
    callback(null, api._meta.instanceId);

  api._bulkDocs = function idb_bulkDocs(req, reqOpts, callback) {
    idbBulkDocs(opts, req, reqOpts, api, idb, callback);

  // First we look up the metadata in the ids database, then we fetch the
  // current revision(s) from the by sequence store
  api._get = function idb_get(id, opts, callback) {
    var doc;
    var metadata;
    var err;
    var txn = opts.ctx;
    if (!txn) {
      var txnResult = openTransactionSafely(idb,
github pouchdb / pouchdb / packages / node_modules / pouchdb-adapter-websql-core / src / index.js View on Github external
'COUNT(' + DOC_STORE + '.id) AS \'num\'',
      BY_SEQ_STORE + '.deleted=0');

    tx.executeSql(sql, [], function (tx, result) {

  api._remote = false;
  api.type = function () {
    return 'websql';

  api._id = toPromise(function (callback) {
    callback(null, instanceId);

  api._info = function (callback) {
    var seq;
    var docCount;
    db.readTransaction(function (tx) {
      getMaxSeq(tx, function (theSeq) {
        seq = theSeq;
      countDocs(tx, function (theDocCount) {
        docCount = theDocCount;
    }, websqlError(callback), function () {
      callback(null, {
        doc_count: docCount,
github pouchdb-community / pouchdb-authentication / src / users.js View on Github external
db.getUser(username, opts, function (error, user) {
    if (error) {
      return callback(error);

    var url = getUsersUrl(db) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(user._id) + '?rev=' + user._rev;
    var ajaxOpts = assign({
      method: 'DELETE',
      url: url,
      headers: getBasicAuthHeaders(db),
    }, opts.ajax || {});
    ajaxCore(ajaxOpts, wrapError(callback));

var changePassword = toPromise(function (username, password, opts, callback) {
  var db = this;
  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = typeof opts === 'undefined' ? (typeof password === 'undefined' ?
      username : password) : opts;
    opts = {};
  if (['http', 'https'].indexOf(db.type()) === -1) {
    return callback(new AuthError('This plugin only works for the http/https adapter. ' +
      'So you should use new PouchDB("") instead.'));
  } else if (!username) {
    return callback(new AuthError('You must provide a username'));
  } else if (!password) {
    return callback(new AuthError('You must provide a password'));

  db.getUser(username, opts, function (error, user) {
github pouchdb-community / pouchdb-authentication / src / admins.js View on Github external

    var configUrl = getConfigUrl(db, nodeName);
    var url = (opts.configUrl || configUrl) + '/admins/' + encodeURIComponent(username);
    var ajaxOpts = assign({
      method: 'PUT',
      url: url,
      processData: false,
      headers: getBasicAuthHeaders(db),
      body: '"' + password + '"',
    }, opts.ajax || {});
    ajaxCore(ajaxOpts, wrapError(callback));

var deleteAdmin = toPromise(function (username, opts, callback) {
  var db = this;
  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = typeof opts === 'undefined' ? username : opts;
    opts = {};
  if (['http', 'https'].indexOf(db.type()) === -1) {
    return callback(new AuthError('This plugin only works for the http/https adapter. ' +
      'So you should use new PouchDB("") instead.'));
  } else if (!username) {
    return callback(new AuthError('You must provide a username'));

  db.getMembership(opts, function (error, membership) {
    var nodeName;
    if (error) {
      if (error.error !== 'illegal_database_name') {
github pouchdb / pouchdb / packages / node_modules / pouchdb-find / src / index.js View on Github external
if (typeof requestDef !== 'object') {
    return callback(new Error('you must provide search parameters to explain()'));

  var find = isRemote(this) ? http.explain : local.explain;
  find(this, requestDef, callback);

plugin.getIndexes = toPromise(function (callback) {

  var getIndexes = isRemote(this) ? http.getIndexes : local.getIndexes;
  getIndexes(this, callback);

plugin.deleteIndex = toPromise(function (indexDef, callback) {

  if (typeof indexDef !== 'object') {
    return callback(new Error('you must provide an index to delete'));

  var deleteIndex = isRemote(this) ?
    http.deleteIndex : local.deleteIndex;
  deleteIndex(this, indexDef, callback);

export default plugin;
github pouchdb-community / pouchdb-authentication / src / admins.js View on Github external
import { AuthError, getBaseUrl, getBasicAuthHeaders, getConfigUrl, wrapError } from './utils';

import ajaxCore from 'pouchdb-ajax';
import { assign, toPromise } from 'pouchdb-utils';

var getMembership = toPromise(function (opts, callback) {
  var db = this;
  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = opts;
    opts = {};

  var url = getBaseUrl(db) + '/_membership';
  var ajaxOpts = assign({
    method: 'GET',
    url: url,
    headers: getBasicAuthHeaders(db),
  }, opts.ajax || {});
  ajaxCore(ajaxOpts, wrapError(callback));

var signUpAdmin = toPromise(function (username, password, opts, callback) {
github pouchdb / pouchdb / packages / node_modules / pouchdb-find / src / index.js View on Github external
plugin.find = toPromise(function (requestDef, callback) {

  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = requestDef;
    requestDef = undefined;

  if (typeof requestDef !== 'object') {
    return callback(new Error('you must provide search parameters to find()'));

  var find = isRemote(this) ? http.find : local.find;
  find(this, requestDef, callback);

plugin.explain = toPromise(function (requestDef, callback) {

  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = requestDef;
    requestDef = undefined;

  if (typeof requestDef !== 'object') {
    return callback(new Error('you must provide search parameters to explain()'));

  var find = isRemote(this) ? http.explain : local.explain;
  find(this, requestDef, callback);

plugin.getIndexes = toPromise(function (callback) {
github pouchdb-community / pouchdb-authentication / src / users.js View on Github external
if (opts.roles) {
    user = assign(user, {roles: opts.roles});

  var url = getUsersUrl(db) + '/' + encodeURIComponent(user._id);
  var ajaxOpts = assign({
    method: 'PUT',
    url: url,
    body: user,
    headers: getBasicAuthHeaders(db),
  }, opts.ajax || {});
  ajaxCore(ajaxOpts, wrapError(callback));

var signUp = toPromise(function (username, password, opts, callback) {
  var db = this;
  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = typeof opts === 'undefined' ? (typeof password === 'undefined' ?
      username : password) : opts;
    opts = {};
  if (['http', 'https'].indexOf(db.type()) === -1) {
    return callback(new AuthError('This plugin only works for the http/https adapter. ' +
      'So you should use new PouchDB("") instead.'));
  } else if (!username) {
    return callback(new AuthError('You must provide a username'));
  } else if (!password) {
    return callback(new AuthError('You must provide a password'));

  var userId = 'org.couchdb.user:' + username;
github pouchdb / pouchdb / packages / node_modules / pouchdb-find / src / index.js View on Github external
import { toPromise, isRemote } from 'pouchdb-utils';
import * as http from './adapters/http/index';
import * as local from './adapters/local/index';

var plugin = {};
plugin.createIndex = toPromise(function (requestDef, callback) {

  if (typeof requestDef !== 'object') {
    return callback(new Error('you must provide an index to create'));

  var createIndex = isRemote(this) ?
    http.createIndex : local.createIndex;
  createIndex(this, requestDef, callback);

plugin.find = toPromise(function (requestDef, callback) {

  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = requestDef;
    requestDef = undefined;
github pouchdb-community / pouchdb-authentication / src / authentication.js View on Github external
'use strict';

import { AuthError, getBasicAuthHeaders, getSessionUrl, wrapError } from './utils';

import ajaxCore from 'pouchdb-ajax';
import { assign, toPromise } from 'pouchdb-utils';

var logIn = toPromise(function (username, password, opts, callback) {
  var db = this;
  if (typeof callback === 'undefined') {
    callback = opts;
    opts = {};
  if (['http', 'https'].indexOf(db.type()) === -1) {
    return callback(new AuthError('this plugin only works for the http/https adapter'));

  if (!username) {
    return callback(new AuthError('you must provide a username'));
  } else if (!password) {
    return callback(new AuthError('you must provide a password'));

  var ajaxOpts = assign({