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// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
try {
if (options.watchPg) {
await watchPostGraphileSchema(pgPool, pgSchemas, options, newSchema => {
gqlSchema = newSchema;
if (!gqlSchema) {
throw new Error(
"Consistency error: watchPostGraphileSchema promises to call the callback before the promise resolves; but this hasn't happened",
} else {
gqlSchema = await createPostGraphileSchema(pgPool, pgSchemas, options);
if (attempts > 0) {
// tslint:disable-next-line no-console
`Schema ${
attempts > 15 ? 'eventually' : attempts > 5 ? 'finally' : 'now'
} generated successfully`,
return gqlSchema;
} catch (error) {
const delay = Math.min(100 * Math.pow(attempts, 2), 30000);
const exitOnFail = !options.retryOnInitFail;
// If we fail to build our schema, log the error and either exit or retry shortly
async function createGqlSchema(): Promise {
let attempts = 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
try {
if (options.watchPg) {
await watchPostGraphileSchema(pgPool, pgSchemas, options, newSchema => {
gqlSchema = newSchema;
if (!gqlSchema) {
throw new Error(
"Consistency error: watchPostGraphileSchema promises to call the callback before the promise resolves; but this hasn't happened",
} else {
gqlSchema = await createPostGraphileSchema(pgPool, pgSchemas, options);
if (attempts > 0) {
// tslint:disable-next-line no-console
pgClient.query = function(...args: Array): any {
const [a, b, c] = args;
// If we understand it (and it uses the promises API)
if (
(typeof a === 'string' && !c && (!b || Array.isArray(b))) ||
(typeof a === 'object' && !b && !c)
) {
if (debugPg.enabled) {
// Debug just the query text. We don’t want to debug variables because
// there may be passwords in there.
debugPg('%s', formatSQLForDebugging(a && a.text ? a.text : a));
if (pgClient._explainResults) {
const query = a && a.text ? a.text : a;
const values = a && a.text ? a.values : b;
if (query.match(/^\s*(select|insert|update|delete|with)\s/i) && !query.includes(';')) {
// Explain it
const explain = `explain ${query}`;
result: pgClient[$$pgClientOrigQuery]
.call(this, explain, values)
.then((data: any) => data.rows),
if (typeof setup === 'function') {
await setup(client);
} else {
await client.query(setup);
const schemaOptions = Object.assign(
appendPlugins: [require('../index.js')],
showErrorStack: true,
const schema = await createPostGraphileSchema(client, ['p'], schemaOptions);
return test({
pgClient: client,
withPgClient(async client => {
if (setup) {
if (typeof setup === "function") {
await setup(client);
} else {
await client.query(setup);
const schema = await createPostGraphileSchema(client, schemas, options);
withPgClient(async (client) => {
if (setup) {
if (typeof setup === 'function') {
await setup(client);
} else {
await client.query(setup);
const schema = await createPostGraphileSchema(client, schemas, options);