How to use postcss-resolve-nested-selector - 8 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few postcss-resolve-nested-selector examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / no-descending-specificity / index.js View on Github external
rule.selectors.forEach(selector => {
        const trimSelector = selector.trim()
        // Ignore `.selector, { }`
        if (trimSelector === "") { return }

        // The edge-case of duplicate selectors will act acceptably
        const index = rule.selector.indexOf(trimSelector)
        // Resolve any nested selectors before checking
        resolvedNestedSelector(selector, rule).forEach(resolvedSelector => {
          parseSelector(resolvedSelector, result, rule, s => checkSelector(s, rule, index, comparisonContext))
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / selector-max-specificity / index.js View on Github external
rule.selectors.forEach(selector => {
        resolvedNestedSelector(selector, rule).forEach(resolvedSelector => {
          // Return early if selector contains a not pseudo-class
          if (selector.indexOf(":not(") !== -1) { return }
          // Return early if selector contains a matches
          if (selector.indexOf(":matches(") !== -1) { return }
          // Check if the selector specificity exceeds the allowed maximum
          try {
            if (compare(resolvedSelector, maxSpecificityArray) === 1) {
                node: rule,
                message: messages.expected(resolvedSelector, max),
                word: selector,
          } catch (e) {
github kristerkari / stylelint-scss / src / rules / percent-placeholder-pattern / index.js View on Github external
if (!isStandardRule(rule)) {

      // If the selector has interpolation
      if (!isStandardSelector(selector)) {

      // Nested selectors are processed in steps, as nesting levels are resolved.
      // Here we skip processing intermediate parts of selectors (to process only fully resolved selectors)
      // if (rule.nodes.some(node => node.type === "rule" || node.type === "atrule")) { return }

      // Only resolve selectors that have an interpolating "&"
      if (hasInterpolatingAmpersand(selector)) {
        resolveNestedSelector(selector, rule).forEach(parse);
      } else {
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / selector-class-pattern / index.js View on Github external
root.walkRules(rule => {
      const { selector, selectors } = rule

      if (!isStandardSyntaxRule(rule)) { return }
      if (!isStandardSyntaxSelector(selector)) { return }
      if (selectors.some(s => isKeyframeSelector(s))) { return }

      // Only bother resolving selectors that have an interpolating &
      if (shouldResolveNestedSelectors && hasInterpolatingAmpersand(selector)) {
        resolveNestedSelector(selector, rule).forEach(selector => {
          parseSelector(selector, result, rule, s => checkSelector(s, rule))
      } else {
        parseSelector(selector, result, rule, s => checkSelector(s, rule))
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / selector-max-compound-selectors / index.js View on Github external
rule.selectors.forEach((selector) => {
        resolvedNestedSelector(selector, rule).forEach(resolvedSelector => {
          // Process each resolved selector with `checkSelector` via postcss-selector-parser
          selectorParser(s => checkSelector(s, rule)).process(resolvedSelector)
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / no-duplicate-selectors / index.js View on Github external
const resolvedSelectors = rule.selectors.reduce((result, selector) => {
        return union(result, resolvedNestedSelector(selector, rule))
      }, [])
      const normalizedSelectorList =
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / selector-no-type / index.js View on Github external
selectors.forEach(selector => {
          resolveNestedSelector(selector, rule).forEach(selector => {
            checkSelector(selector, rule)
      } else {
github stylelint / stylelint / src / rules / selector-no-qualifying-type / index.js View on Github external
if (selectorNode.type === "id" && !optionsMatches(options, "ignore", "id")) {

            if (selectorNode.type === "class" && !optionsMatches(options, "ignore", "class")) {

            if (selectorNode.type === "attribute" && !optionsMatches(options, "ignore", "attribute")) {

      resolvedNestedSelector(rule.selector, rule).forEach(resolvedSelector => {
        if (!isStandardSyntaxSelector(resolvedSelector)) { return }

        parseSelector(resolvedSelector, result, rule, checkSelector)

      function complain(index) {
          node: rule,
          message: messages.rejected,


Resolve a nested selector in a PostCSS AST

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