Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
* The complete set of contributors may be found at
* Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
* subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
// Be mindful of adding imports here, as this is on the hot path of all
// commands.
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import * as updateNotifier from 'update-notifier';
import {PolymerCli} from './polymer-cli';
const packageJson = require('../package.json');
const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.main');
// Update Notifier: Asynchronously check for package updates and, if needed,
// notify on the next time the CLI is run.
// See for info on how this works.
updateNotifier({pkg: packageJson}).notify();
(async () => {
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
const cli = new PolymerCli(args);
try {
const result = await;
if (result && result.constructor && === 'CommandResult') {
} catch (err) {
import * as bower from 'bower';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {dest} from 'vinyl-fs';
import mergeStream = require('merge-stream');
import {forkStream, PolymerProject, addServiceWorker, SWConfig, HtmlSplitter} from 'polymer-build';
import {getOptimizeStreams} from 'polymer-build';
import {ProjectBuildOptions} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {waitFor, pipeStreams} from './streams';
import {loadServiceWorkerConfig} from './load-config';
import {LocalFsPath} from 'polymer-build/lib/path-transformers';
const logger = logging.getLogger('');
export const mainBuildDirectoryName = 'build';
* Generate a single build based on the given `options` ProjectBuildOptions.
* Note that this function is only concerned with that single build, and does
* not care about the collection of builds defined on the config.
export async function build(
options: ProjectBuildOptions,
polymerProject: PolymerProject): Promise {
const buildName = || 'default';
// If no name is provided, write directly to the build/ directory.
// If a build name is provided, write to that subdirectory.
const buildDirectory = path.join(mainBuildDirectoryName, buildName);
logger.debug(`"${buildDirectory}": Building with options:`, options);
// the command is actually run, in order to minimize startup time from loading
// unused code. Any imports that are only used as types will be removed from the
// output JS and so not result in a require() statement.
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';
import * as polyserveTypeOnly from 'polyserve';
import {args as polyserveArgs} from 'polyserve/lib/args';
import {ServerOptions} from 'polyserve/lib/start_server';
import * as urlTypeOnly from 'url';
import {Environment} from '../environment/environment';
import {Command, CommandOptions} from './command';
const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.command.serve');
export class ServeCommand implements Command {
name = 'serve';
aliases = [];
description = 'Runs the polyserve development server';
args = polyserveArgs;
async run(options: CommandOptions, config: ProjectConfig) {
// Defer dependency loading until this specific command is run
const polyserve = require('polyserve') as typeof polyserveTypeOnly;
const startServers = polyserve.startServers;
const getServerUrls = polyserve.getServerUrls;
const url = require('url') as typeof urlTypeOnly;
import * as dom5 from 'dom5';
import * as gulpif from 'gulp-if';
import * as path from 'path';
import {posix as posixPath} from 'path';
import {Transform} from 'stream';
import File = require('vinyl');
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {StreamAnalyzer, DepsIndex} from './analyzer';
import {compose} from './streams';
// non-ES module
const minimatchAll = require('minimatch-all');
const through = require('through2').obj;
const Vulcanize = require('vulcanize');
let logger = logging.getLogger('');
export class Bundler extends Transform {
entrypoint: string;
root: string;
shell: string;
fragments: string[];
allFragments: string[];
sharedBundleUrl: string;
analyzer: StreamAnalyzer;
sharedFile: File;
constructor(root: string, entrypoint: string,
shell: string, fragments: string[], analyzer: StreamAnalyzer) {
// Be careful with these imports. As many as possible should be dynamic imports
// in the run method in order to minimize startup time from loading unused code.
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {args as polyserveArgs} from 'polyserve/lib/args';
import {ServerOptions} from 'polyserve/lib/start_server';
import {Environment} from '../environment/environment';
import {Command, CommandOptions} from './command';
const logger = logging.getLogger('cli.command.serve');
export class ServeCommand implements Command {
name = 'serve';
aliases = [];
description = 'Runs the polyserve development server';
args = polyserveArgs;
async run(options: CommandOptions, config: ProjectConfig) {
// Defer dependency loading until this specific command is run
const polyserve = await import('polyserve');
const startServers = polyserve.startServers;
const getServerUrls = polyserve.getServerUrls;
const url = await import('url');
import * as bower from 'bower';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {dest} from 'vinyl-fs';
import mergeStream = require('merge-stream');
import {forkStream, PolymerProject, addServiceWorker, SWConfig, HtmlSplitter} from 'polymer-build';
import {getOptimizeStreams} from 'polymer-build';
import {ProjectBuildOptions} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {waitFor, pipeStreams} from './streams';
import {loadServiceWorkerConfig} from './load-config';
import {LocalFsPath} from 'polymer-build/lib/path-transformers';
const logger = logging.getLogger('');
export const mainBuildDirectoryName = 'build';
* Generate a single build based on the given `options` ProjectBuildOptions.
* Note that this function is only concerned with that single build, and does
* not care about the collection of builds defined on the config.
export async function build(
options: ProjectBuildOptions,
polymerProject: PolymerProject): Promise {
const buildName = || 'default';
// If no name is provided, write directly to the build/ directory.
// If a build name is provided, write to that subdirectory.
const buildDirectory = path.join(mainBuildDirectoryName, buildName);
logger.debug(`"${buildDirectory}": Building with options:`, options);
// Be careful with these imports. As many as possible should be dynamic imports
// in the run method in order to minimize startup time from loading unused code.
import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as commandLineUsage from 'command-line-usage';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {ProjectConfig} from 'polymer-project-config';
import {globalArguments} from '../args';
import {Command, CommandOptions} from './command';
const logger = logging.getLogger('');
const b =;
const m = chalk.magenta;
const CLI_TITLE = chalk.bold.underline('Polymer-CLI');
const CLI_DESCRIPTION = 'The multi-tool for Polymer projects';
const CLI_USAGE = 'Usage: \`polymer [options ...]\`';
const HELP_HEADER = `
${b('/\\\\˜˜/')} ${m('/\\\\˜˜/')}${b('\\\\')}
${b('/__\\\\/')} ${m('/__\\\\/')}${b('__\\\\')} ${CLI_TITLE}
${b('/\\\\ /')} ${m('/\\\\ /')}${b('\\\\ /\\\\')}
${b('/__\\\\/')} ${m('/__\\\\/')} ${b('\\\\/__\\\\')} ${CLI_DESCRIPTION}
${b('\\\\ /\\\\')} ${m('/\\\\ /')} ${b('/\\\\ /')}
${b('\\\\/__\\\\')}${m('/__\\\\/')} ${b('/__\\\\/')} ${CLI_USAGE}
${b('\\\\')} ${m('/\\\\ /')} ${b('/\\\\ /')}
${b('\\\\')}${m('/__\\\\/')} ${b('/__\\\\/')}
const babelPresetES2015NoModules =
babelPresetES2015.buildPreset({}, {modules: false});
const externalHelpersPlugin = require('babel-plugin-external-helpers');
const babelObjectRestSpreadPlugin =
const babelPluginSyntaxDynamicImport =
const babelPluginSyntaxObjectRestSpread =
// TODO(fks) 09-22-2016: Latest npm type declaration resolves to a non-module
// entity. Upgrade to proper JS import once compatible .d.ts file is released,
// or consider writing a custom declaration in the `custom_typings/` folder.
import File = require('vinyl');
const logger = logging.getLogger('');
export type FileCB = (error?: any, file?: File) => void;
export type CSSOptimizeOptions = {
stripWhitespace?: boolean;
export interface OptimizeOptions {
html?: {
exclude?: string[]
css?: {
exclude?: string[]
* The complete set of authors may be found at
* The complete set of contributors may be found at
* Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
* subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {SWConfig} from 'polymer-build';
const logger = logging.getLogger('');
export function loadServiceWorkerConfig(configFile: string):
Promise {
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
fs.stat(configFile, (statError) => {
let config: SWConfig|null = null;
// only log if the config file exists at all
if (!statError) {
try {
config = require(configFile);
} catch (loadError) {
`${configFile} file was found but could not be loaded`,
import * as dom5 from 'dom5';
import * as osPath from 'path';
import * as logging from 'plylog';
import {Transform, PassThrough} from 'stream';
import File = require('vinyl');
import * as vfs from 'vinyl-fs';
import {StreamAnalyzer, DepsIndex} from './analyzer';
import {Bundler} from './bundle';
import {optimize, OptimizeOptions} from './optimize';
import {FileCB} from './streams';
import {writeServiceWorker, SWConfig} from './service-worker';
import {forkStream} from './fork-stream';
const logger = logging.getLogger('polymer-project');
const pred = dom5.predicates;
const extensionsForType: {[mimetype: string]: string} = {
'text/ecmascript-6': 'js',
'application/javascript': 'js',
'text/javascript': 'js',
'application/x-typescript': 'ts',
'text/x-typescript': 'ts',
export interface ProjectOptions {
* Path to the root of the project on the filesystem.
root?: string;