How to use the pino.default function in pino

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pino examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bengreenier / browserd / src / preload.ts View on Github external
import { remote } from "electron";
import { default as pino, Logger } from "pino";
import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid";
import {
} from ".";
import { Signal } from "./signal";

const preloadLogger = pino();

// when our browser window as officially loaded, we'll begin
process.once("loaded", () => {
    // we must get our shared state from the other process
    const sharedObject = (remote.getGlobal(sharedObjectKeyName) as ISharedObject);

    // we'll use the allowPreload flag to indicate to ourselves that we're on the first load of the page
    // and should therefore be setting up webrtc and whatnot - we need this as preload scripts load each
    // time the page inside the browser load changes (ie: a redirect, window reload, etc) and we want to persist
    const allowPreload = sharedObject.allowPreload;"loaded");`${allowPreload}`);

    if (allowPreload) {
        sharedObject.allowPreload = false;
github bengreenier / browserd / src / browserd.ts View on Github external
import { config as configEnv } from "dotenv";
import { app, BrowserWindow } from "electron";
import {default as pino} from "pino";
import { createWindow, ISharedObject, sharedObjectKeyName } from ".";

const logger = pino();`working directory: ${process.cwd()}`);

 * Configure our environment variables from dotenv
 * Supported:
 *  + SERVICE_URL (string) - the web service address (to render)
 *  + TURN_URL (string) - a turn address
 *  + TURN_USERNAME (string) - a turn username
 *  + TURN_PASSWORD (string) - a turn password credential
 *  + POLL_URL (string) - a signaling server base address
 *  + POLL_INTERVAL (number) - a signaling poll interval in ms
 *  + HEIGHT (number) - the window height
 *  + WIDTH (number) - the window width
 *  + EXP_HIDE_STREAMER (boolean) - experiment flag for hiding the streamer window
const envParserStatus = configEnv();