How to use the pg.native function in pg

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pg examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github basicdays / co-pg / test / native-client-tests.js View on Github external
/* global describe, before, it */
'use strict';
var co = require('co'),
		should = require('chai').should(),
		pg = require('../lib')(require('pg').native),
		testHelper = require('./test-helper');

var query = 'select name from person order by name';

describe('CoClient-Native', function() {
	var connString = null;

	before(function() {
		return co(function*() {
			var config = yield testHelper.getConfig();
			connString = config.connectionStrings.main;

	describe('#connectPromise()', function() {
github nodetiles / nodetiles-core / test / postgis.spec.js View on Github external
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var sinon = require('sinon');
var pg    = require('pg').native;
var PostGISSource = require(__dirname + '/../datasources/PostGIS');

var async = require('async');
var __ = require('lodash')

var source = new PostGISSource({
  connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL || "tcp://postgres@localhost/postgis", //required
  tableName: "rpd_parks", // required
  geomField: "wkb_geometry", // required
  fields: "map_park_n, ogc_fid", //faster if you specify fields, but optional
  name: "sf_parks", // optional, defaults to table name
  projection: "EPSG:4326" // Lat/Long

describe('PostGIS Data Source', function() {
github ozum / pg-structure / module_files / sql / legacy / execute-sql-files.js View on Github external
* @private
 * @author Özüm Eldoğan
 * @example
 * var executeSQLFiles = require('./sql/execute-sql-files');
 * executeSQLFiles(client, ['public'])
 *     .then((result) => {
 *         console.log(result.getCollection('table').find({fullName: 'public.account'}));       // table.sql query result
 *     })
 *     .catch((err) => {
 *         console.log(err);
 *         client.end();
 *     });
'use strict';
try {
    var pg  = require('pg').native;
} catch (err) {
    pg      = require('pg');

var inflection          = require('inflection');
var readSQLFiles        = require('./read-sql-files');
var Loki                = require('lokijs');
var DB                  = require('../../lib/db');
var Schema              = require('../../lib/schema');
var Table               = require('../../lib/table');
var Column              = require('../../lib/column');
var Constraint          = require('../../lib/constraint');
var RelationFabricator  = require('../lib/util/relation-fabricator.js');
var Index               = require('../../lib/index.js');

var config = {
github fortunejs / fortune-postgres / lib / index.js View on Github external
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const defaultConnection = Object.assign({}, connection, {
          // This database is assumed to exist. If it doesn't, no problem,
          // a database creation attempt won't be made in that case.
          database: 'postgres'
        const Client = isNative ? pg.native.Client : pg.Client
        const client = new Client(defaultConnection)

        client.connect(error =>
          // In case the default `postgres` database doesn't exist, just skip
          // this part.
          error ? resolve() :

          // Attempt to create the database specified in the options.
            client.query(`create database "${connection.database}"`,
            // Ignore errors and result here.
              () => {
              // Just disconnect after an attempt has been made.
                client.end((error) => error ? reject(error) : resolve())
      }) : Promise.resolve())
github langpavel / node-pg-async / test / pg / sql.js View on Github external
import { expect } from 'chai';
import Pg, { SQL } from '../../src/index';

const tableName = 'pgAsyncTest';
testWithDriver('pg', require('pg'));
testWithDriver('pg.native', require('pg').native);

function testWithDriver(driverName, driver) {
  describe(`pg-async SQL tag (with ${driverName} driver)`, () => {
    let pg;

    before(async () => {
      pg = new Pg(null, driver);
      await pg.query(SQL`
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $ID${tableName} (
          id serial,
          val integer

    after(async () => {
github martijndeh / lego / src / driver / postgres / index.js View on Github external
createPool(databaseUrl: string, options: Object) {
		const { auth, hostname, port, pathname } = url.parse(databaseUrl);
		const [ user, password ] = (auth || '').split(':');

		const config = {
			user: user,
			password: password,
			host: hostname,
			port: port,
			database: (pathname || '').slice(1),
			ssl: process.env.LEGO_DISABLE_SSL !== 'true',

		const internal = pg.native ? pg.native : pg;
		this.pool = new internal.Pool(config);

		this.pool.on('error', () => {
github ShieldBattery / ShieldBattery / node_modules / db-migrate / lib / driver / pg.js View on Github external
exports.connect = function(config, callback) {
    if (config.native) { pg = pg.native; }
    var db = config.db || new pg.Client(config);
    callback(null, new PgDriver(db));
github Ameobea / tickgrinder / mm / db.js View on Github external
"use strict";
/*jslint node: true */

var pg = require('pg').native;
var Promise = require("bluebird");

const CONF = require("./conf");

var pool_conf = {
  user: CONF.postgresUser,
  database: CONF.postgres_database,
  password: CONF.postgres_password,
  host: CONF.postgres_url,
  port: CONF.postgres_port,
  max: 10,
  idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,

var accessors = {
  get_tick_time_differences(pool, table, start_time, end_time){
github grncdr / node-any-db / any-db-postgres / index.js View on Github external
var pg = require('pg')
  , Transaction = require('any-db').Transaction
  , pgNative = null

try { pgNative = pg.native } catch (__e) {}

exports.forceJS = false

exports.createConnection = function (opts, callback) {
  var backend = chooseBackend()
    , conn = new backend.Client(opts)

  conn.begin = begin

  if (callback) {
    conn.connect(function (err) {
      if (err) callback(err)
      else callback(null, conn)
  } else {
github jpdevries / synctodo / server.js View on Github external
    presets: ['es2015', 'react']

var http = require('http'),
fs = require('fs'),
Twig = require("twig"),
express = require('express'),
formidable = require("formidable"),
pg = require('pg').native,
React = require('react'),
createStore = require('redux').createStore,
endpoints = require('./_build/js/model/endpoints'),
reducer = require('./_build/js/model/reducers'),
ReactDOM = require('react-dom/server'),
store = require('./_build/js/model/store'),
actions = require('./_build/js/model/actions'),
ToDoForm = require('./_build/js/view/todoform'),
ArchiveForm = require('./_build/js/view/archiveform'),
app = express(),
compression = require('compression'),
minifyHTML = require('express-minify-html'),
isProd = (process.env.NODE_ENV == 'production') ? true : false;

pg.defaults.ssl = true;