How to use the pg-sql2.literal function in pg-sql2

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              nullsFirst === true
                ? sql.fragment` NULLS FIRST`
                : nullsFirst === false
                ? sql.fragment` NULLS LAST`
                : sql.blank

    : sql.blank
${(isSafeInteger(limit) && sql.fragment`limit ${sql.literal(limit)}`) ||
${(offset && sql.fragment`offset ${sql.literal(offset)}`) || sql.blank}`;
    if (flip) {
      const flipAlias = Symbol();
      fragment = sql.fragment`\
with ${sql.identifier(flipAlias)} as (
select *
from ${sql.identifier(flipAlias)}
order by (row_number() over (partition by 1)) desc`; /* We don't need to factor useAsterisk into this row_number() usage */
    if (useAsterisk) {
       * NOTE[useAsterisk/row_number]: since LIMIT/OFFSET is inside this
       * subquery, row_number() outside of this subquery WON'T include the
       * offset. We must add it back wherever row_number() is used.
github graphile / graphile-engine / packages / graphile-build-pg / src / queryFromResolveDataFactory.ts View on Github external
const sqlCommon = sql.fragment`\
where ${queryBuilder.buildWhereClause(!invert, invert, options)}`;

     * Since the offset makes the diagram asymmetric, if offset === 0
     * then the diagram is symmetric and things are simplified a little.
    const isForwardOrSymmetric = !invert || offset === 0;

    if (!isForwardOrSymmetric) {
      assert(offset > 0);
      // We're looking for a previous page, and there's an offset, so lets just
      // assume there's a previous page where offset is smaller.
      return sql.literal(true);
    } else if (canHaveCursorInWhere) {
      if (!queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
        // There can be no next page since there's no upper bound
        return sql.literal(false);
      } else if (queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
         * We invert the upper buildWhereBoundClause to only represent the data
         * after `before`, then check if there's at least one record in that set.
         * This only works if the `before` cursor can be represented in the
         * SQL WHERE clause, otherwise we're doing limit/offset pagination
         * which requires different logic. It also only works if there's no
         * `first` clause, otherwise there could be a next page before the
         * `before` clause.
github graphile / graphile-engine / packages / graphile-build-pg / src / queryFromResolveDataFactory.ts View on Github external
* then the diagram is symmetric and things are simplified a little.
    const isForwardOrSymmetric = !invert || offset === 0;

    if (!isForwardOrSymmetric) {
      assert(offset > 0);
      // We're looking for a previous page, and there's an offset, so lets just
      // assume there's a previous page where offset is smaller.
      return sql.literal(true);
    } else if (canHaveCursorInWhere) {
      if (!queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
        // There can be no next page since there's no upper bound
        return sql.literal(false);
      } else if (queryHasBefore && !queryHasFirst) {
         * We invert the upper buildWhereBoundClause to only represent the data
         * after `before`, then check if there's at least one record in that set.
         * This only works if the `before` cursor can be represented in the
         * SQL WHERE clause, otherwise we're doing limit/offset pagination
         * which requires different logic. It also only works if there's no
         * `first` clause, otherwise there could be a next page before the
         * `before` clause.
        return sql.fragment`\
  where ${queryBuilder.buildWhereClause(false, false, options)}
  and not (${queryBuilder.buildWhereBoundClause(invert)})
github graphile / graphile-engine / packages / graphile-build-pg / src / queryFromResolveDataFactory.ts View on Github external
} else if (invert) {
        assert(offset === 0);
        // Paginating backwards and there's no offset (which factors in before/after), so there's no previous page.
        return sql.fragment`false`;
      } else {
         * We're paginating forwards; either there's a before, there's a first,
         * or both.
         * We want to see if there's more than limit+offset records in sqlCommon.
        return sql.fragment`\
  offset ${sql.literal(limit + offset)}
  const getPgCursorPrefix = (): SQL[] =>
github graphile / graphile-engine / packages / graphile-build-pg / src / QueryBuilder.ts View on Github external
buildWhereBoundClause(isLower: boolean): SQL {
    const clauses = this.compiledData.whereBound[isLower ? "lower" : "upper"];
    if (clauses.length) {
      return sql.fragment`(${sql.join(clauses, ") and (")})`;
    } else {
      return sql.literal(true);
github graphile / graphile-engine / packages / graphile-build-pg / src / queryFromResolveDataFactory.ts View on Github external
", "
          } else {
            return sql.fragment`json_build_array(${sql.join(
              ", "
            )}, ${
               * NOTE[useAsterisk/row_number]: If we have useAsterisk then the
               * query with limit offset is in a subquery, so our row_number()
               * call doesn't know about it. Here we add the offset back in
               * again. See matching NOTE in QueryBuilder.js.
                ? sql.fragment`${sql.literal(
                    queryBuilder.getFinalOffset() || 0
                  )} + `
                : sql.fragment``
            }(row_number() over (partition by 1)))`;
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([expr, alias]) =>
              sql.fragment`${sql.literal(alias)}::text, ${expr}`


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