How to use penpal - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few penpal examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Aaronius / penpal / types / type-tests.ts View on Github external
 * Child Frame (flexible)
const flexibleChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
  // Methods child is exposing to parent
  methods: childMethods

flexibleChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
  parent.add(3, 1); // $ExpectType any
 * Child Frame (strict)
const strictChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
  // Methods child is exposing to parent
  methods: childMethods

strictChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
  parent.add(3, 1).then(total => {
    total; // $ExpectType number
github Aaronius / penpal / types / type-tests.ts View on Github external

strictParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
  child.multiply(2, 6).then(total => {
    total; // $ExpectType number
  child.divide(12, 4).then(total => {
    total; // $ExpectType number
  });, 4); // $ExpectError

 * Child Frame (flexible)
const flexibleChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
  // Methods child is exposing to parent
  methods: childMethods

flexibleChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
  parent.add(3, 1); // $ExpectType any
 * Child Frame (strict)
const strictChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
  // Methods child is exposing to parent
  methods: childMethods

strictChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
github Aaronius / penpal / types / type-tests.ts View on Github external
// URL of page to load into iframe.
  url: '',
  // Container to which the iframe should be appended.
  appendTo: parentContainer,
  // iframe to use
  iframe: iframeToUse,
  // Methods parent is exposing to child
  methods: parentMethods

permissiveParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
  child.multiply(2, 6); // $ExpectType any, 4); // $ExpectType any

const strictParentConnection = Penpal.connectToChild({
  // URL of page to load into iframe.
  url: '',
  // Container to which the iframe should be appended.
  appendTo: parentContainer,
  // iframe to use
  iframe: iframeToUse,
  // Methods parent is exposing to child
  methods: parentMethods

strictParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
  child.multiply(2, 6).then(total => {
    total; // $ExpectType number
  child.divide(12, 4).then(total => {
    total; // $ExpectType number
github Aaronius / penpal / types / type-tests.ts View on Github external
}, 1000);

 * Parent Window

const parentContainer = document.getElementById('iframeContainer');
if (!parentContainer) throw new Error('Parent container not found');

const iframeToUse = document.createElement('iframe');
if (!iframeToUse) throw new Error('Parent iframe element has not been created');

const permissiveParentConnection = Penpal.connectToChild({
  // URL of page to load into iframe.
  url: '',
  // Container to which the iframe should be appended.
  appendTo: parentContainer,
  // iframe to use
  iframe: iframeToUse,
  // Methods parent is exposing to child
  methods: parentMethods

permissiveParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
  child.multiply(2, 6); // $ExpectType any, 4); // $ExpectType any

const strictParentConnection = Penpal.connectToChild({
github weseek / growi / src / client / js / hackmd-agent.js View on Github external
function connectToParentWithPenpal() {
  const connection = Penpal.connectToParent({
    parentOrigin: allowedOrigin,
    // Methods child is exposing to parent
    methods: {
      getValue() {
        return getValueOfCodemirror();
      setValue(newValue) {
      setValueOnInit(newValue) {
  connection.promise.then(parent => {
    window.growi = parent;
github weseek / growi / src / client / js / hackmd-agent.js View on Github external
function connectToParentWithPenpal() {
  const connection = Penpal.connectToParent({
    parentOrigin: allowedOrigin,
    // Methods child is exposing to parent
    methods: {
      getValue() {
        return getValueOfCodemirror();
      setValue(newValue) {
      setValueOnInit(newValue) {
  connection.promise.then((parent) => {
    window.growi = parent;
github weseek / growi / src / client / js / components / PageEditorByHackmd / HackmdEditor.jsx View on Github external
initHackmdWithPenpal() {
    const _this = this; // for in methods scope

    const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.src = `${this.props.hackmdUri}/${this.props.pageIdOnHackmd}?both`;

    const connection = connectToChild({
      methods: { // expose methods to HackMD
        notifyBodyChanges(document) {
        saveWithShortcut(document) {
      debug: DEBUG_PENPAL,
    connection.promise.then((child) => {
      this.hackmd = child;
      if (this.props.initializationMarkdown != null) {
github portis-project / web-sdk / packages / portis-web3 / src / index.ts View on Github external
const style = document.createElement('style');
    style.innerHTML = styles;

    const container = document.createElement('div');
    container.className = 'por_portis-container';

    const widgetFrame = document.createElement('div'); = `portis-container-${}`;
    widgetFrame.className = 'por_portis-widget-frame';


    const connection = Penpal.connectToChild({
      url: this._widgetUrl,
      appendTo: document.getElementById(!,
      methods: {
        setHeight: this._setHeight.bind(this),
        getWindowSize: this._getWindowSize.bind(this),
        onLogin: this._onLogin.bind(this),
        onLogout: this._onLogout.bind(this),
        onActiveWalletChanged: this._onActiveWalletChanged.bind(this),
        onError: this._onError.bind(this),
    }); = 'absolute'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = '0 transparent';
github portis-project / web-sdk / packages / portis-eos / src / index.ts View on Github external
const onload = async () => {
        const style = document.createElement('style');
        style.innerHTML = styles;

        const container = document.createElement('div');
        container.className = 'por_portis-container';

        const widgetFrame = document.createElement('div'); = `portis-container-${}`;
        widgetFrame.className = 'por_portis-widget-frame';


        const connection = Penpal.connectToChild({
          url: this._widgetUrl,
          appendTo: document.getElementById(!,
          methods: {
            setHeight: this._setHeight.bind(this),
            getWindowSize: this._getWindowSize.bind(this),
            onLogin: this._onLogin.bind(this),
        }); = 'absolute'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = '0 transparent';

        const communication = await connection.promise;
        resolve({ communication, iframe: connection.iframe, widgetFrame });


A promise-based library for communicating with iframes via postMessage.

Latest version published 3 years ago

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