How to use the peer.device.modelName function in peer

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github Rytiggy / Glance / modules / companion / firebase.js View on Github external
async update(settings) {
      `dataSource: ${settings.dataSource} dataSourceTwo: ${settings.dataSourceTwo} PhoneType: ${} modelName: ${device.modelName} version: ${config.version} build: ${}`
    // check to see if there is a token
    if (config.firebase_token.length > 0) {
      // ----------------------------------------hr---min--sec--ms
      let halfADayAgo = Math.floor(( - 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000) / 1000);
      let localStorageUpdatedAt = localStorage.getItem("updatedAt");
      // check if they have update their user data within the last half day
      if (!localStorageUpdatedAt || localStorageUpdatedAt <= halfADayAgo) {
        // get the uuid or create a new one
        let didCreateNewUuid = false;
        let uuid = null;
        if (settingsStorage.getItem("uuid")) {
          didCreateNewUuid = false;
          uuid = JSON.parse(settingsStorage.getItem("uuid")).name;
        } else if (!uuid) {
          didCreateNewUuid = true;
github Rytiggy / Glance / modules / companion / firebase.js View on Github external
// data["buildId"] = me.buildId;
        } else {
          // old record so we need to get the data first
          data = await fetch.get(url);
          // if the record doesn't exist
          if (!data) {
            data = {};
            data["createdAt"] = Math.floor( / 1000);
          data["uuid"] = uuid;
          data["updatedAt"] = Math.floor( / 1000);
          data["userAgreement"] = settings.userAgreement;
          data["dataSource"] = settings.dataSource;
          data["dataSourceTwo"] = settings.dataSourceTwo;
          data["phoneType"] =;
          data["device"] = device.modelName;
          data["version"] = config.version;

          // data.buildId = me.buildId;
        localStorage.setItem("updatedAt", data["updatedAt"]);
        // update the record
        await fetch.put(url, data);


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