Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const splitPrefix = (p, prefixSize) => {
const pathSize = 100
let pp = p
let prefix = ''
let ret
const root = pathModule.parse(p).root || '.'
if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) < pathSize)
ret = [pp, prefix, false]
else {
// first set prefix to the dir, and path to the base
prefix = pathModule.dirname(pp)
pp = pathModule.basename(pp)
do {
// both fit!
if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) <= pathSize &&
Buffer.byteLength(prefix) <= prefixSize)
ret = [pp, prefix, false]
// prefix fits in prefix, but path doesn't fit in path
else if (Buffer.byteLength(pp) > pathSize &&
Buffer.byteLength(prefix) <= prefixSize)
ret = [pp.substr(0, pathSize - 1), prefix, true]
else {
// make path take a bit from prefix
pp = pathModule.join(pathModule.basename(prefix), pp)
lstat(p: string) {
const origP = p;
p = posix.join(this.realpath(posix.dirname(p)), posix.basename(p));
// Ensures that it's a directory
if (origP[origP.length - 1] === `/`)
this.ensurePathCorrectness(p, `lstat`, true);
return this.statImpl(p);
export function shouldBeReplaced({
} : {
targetFileId: string,
toFileId: string,
targetModuleName: string,
}) : ShouldBeReplacedResult {
if (!/^\./.test(targetModuleName)) return { hit: false };
const fromDir = path.dirname(targetFileId), toDir = path.dirname(toFileId);
if (fromDir === toDir) return { hit: false };
const newModulePath = path.normalize(path.relative(toDir, path.join(fromDir, targetModuleName)));
return {
hit: true,
newModuleId: newModulePath.startsWith(".") ? newModulePath : "./" + newModulePath,
const generate = createGenerator({
template: controllerTemplate
if (!name.endsWith('application')) {
name = pluralize(name)
await generate({
const namespace = posix.dirname(name)
if (namespace !== '.') {
const hasParent = await exists(
joinPath(cwd, dir, ...[...namespace.split('/'), 'application.js'])
if (!hasParent) {
await controller({
name: `${namespace}/application`,
attrs: []
: this.sharedBundleUrl;
let sharedDeps = bundles.get(sharedDepsBundle) || [];
let promises = [];
if ( {
let shellFile = this.analyzer.getFile(;
console.assert(shellFile != null);
let newShellContent = this._addSharedImportsToShell(bundles);
shellFile.contents = new Buffer(newShellContent);
for (let fragment of this.allFragments) {
let fragmentUrl = this.urlFromPath(fragment);
let addedImports = (fragment === &&
? []
: [posixPath.relative(posixPath.dirname(fragmentUrl), sharedDepsBundle)];
let excludes = (fragment === &&
? []
: sharedDeps.concat(sharedDepsBundle);
promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let vulcanize = new Vulcanize({
abspath: null,
fsResolver: this.analyzer.resolver,
addedImports: addedImports,
stripExcludes: excludes,
inlineScripts: true,
inlineCss: true,
inputUrl: fragmentUrl,
vulcanize.process(null, (err, doc) => {
if (err) {
export default function closestAncestor(
source: Bundle$Namespace,
key: string
): void | T {
const name = posix.basename(key)
let namespace = posix.dirname(key)
if (namespace === '.') {
return source.get(name)
namespace = posix.dirname(namespace)
const ancestor = source.get(posix.join(namespace, name))
if (ancestor) {
return ancestor
return closestAncestor(
posix.join(posix.dirname(namespace), name)
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) return callback(err);
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(path.join(localSynced, item.file)), { recursive: true });
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(localSynced, item.file), data.Body);
}, err => next(err, up));
const asset = getBundleAsset(release);
if (!asset)
throw new Error(`The bundle asset should exist`);
bundleUrl = asset.browser_download_url;
bundleVersion = release.version.version;
stdout.write(`Downloading ${configuration.format(bundleUrl, `green`)}...\n`);
const bundle = await httpUtils.get(bundleUrl, configuration);
const yarnPath = `.yarn/releases/yarn-${bundleVersion}.js`;
const absoluteYarn = posix.resolve(project.cwd, yarnPath);
stdout.write(`Saving it into ${configuration.format(yarnPath, `magenta`)}...\n`);
await xfs.mkdirpPromise(posix.dirname(absoluteYarn));
await xfs.writeFilePromise(absoluteYarn, bundle);
await xfs.chmodPromise(absoluteYarn, 0o755);
await Configuration.updateConfiguration(project.cwd, {
private registerEntry(p: string, index: number) {
const parentListing = this.registerListing(posix.dirname(p));
this.entries.set(p, index);
get baseUrl() {
return path.dirname( this.filename );