How to use path-type - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few path-type examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sindresorhus / make-dir / test / helpers / util.js View on Github external
export const assertDirectory = (t, directory, mode = 0o777 & (~process.umask())) => {
	// Setting `mode` on `fs.mkdir` on Windows doesn't seem to work
	if (process.platform === 'win32') {
		mode = 0o666;

	t.true(pathType.isDirectorySync(directory)); & 0o777, mode);
github zeit / serve / lib / server.js View on Github external
if (cacheValue > 0) {
		streamOptions.maxAge = flags.cache;
	} else if (cacheValue === 0) {
		// Disable the cache control by `send`, as there's no support for `no-cache`.
		// Set header manually.
		streamOptions.cacheControl = false;
		res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
	} else if (flags.single) {
		// Cache assets of single page applications for a day.
		// Later in the code, we'll define that `index.html` never
		// gets cached!
		streamOptions.maxAge = 86400000;

	// Check if directory
	if (relatedExists && (yield pathType.dir(related))) {
		// Normalize path to trailing slash
		// Otherwise problems like #70 will occur
		const url = parse(req.url);

		if (url.pathname.substr(-1) !== '/') {
			url.pathname += '/';
			const newPath = format(url);

			res.writeHead(302, {
				Location: newPath

github danielcardoso / html-pages / lib / server.js View on Github external
} else if (!relatedExists) { // If not exists return an error 404
    return httpRequest.micro({
      code: 404

  const streamOptions = {};

  if (flags.cache) {
    streamOptions.maxAge = flags.cache;

  // Check if directory
  if (pathType.isDirectorySync(related)) {
    const url = parse(req.url);

    // If the url doesn't end with a slash, add it and redirect the page
    if (url.pathname.substr(-1) !== '/') {
      url.pathname += '/';
      const newPath = format(url);

        code: 301
      }, 301);

      res.writeHead(301, {
        Location: newPath
github alan-ai / alan-sdk-reactnative / testtools / node_modules / read-pkg / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = (fp, opts) => {
	if (typeof fp !== 'string') {
		opts = fp;
		fp = '.';

	opts = opts || {};

	return pathType.dir(fp)
		.then(isDir => {
			if (isDir) {
				fp = path.join(fp, 'package.json');

			return loadJsonFile(fp);
		.then(x => {
			if (opts.normalize !== false) {

			return x;
github alan-ai / alan-sdk-reactnative / testtools / node_modules / read-pkg / index.js View on Github external
module.exports.sync = (fp, opts) => {
	if (typeof fp !== 'string') {
		opts = fp;
		fp = '.';

	opts = opts || {};
	fp = pathType.dirSync(fp) ? path.join(fp, 'package.json') : fp;

	const x = loadJsonFile.sync(fp);

	if (opts.normalize !== false) {

	return x;
github zeit / serve / lib / listening.js View on Github external
) {
	const details = server.address();
	const {isTTY} = process.stdout;

	const shutdown = () => {

	process.on('SIGINT', shutdown);
	process.on('SIGTERM', shutdown);

	let isDir;

	try {
		isDir = yield pathType.dir(current);
	} catch (err) {
		isDir = false;

	if (!isDir) {
		const base = basename(current);

		console.error(`Specified directory ${chalk.bold(`"${base}"`)} doesn't exist!`)


	if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
		let message ='Serving!');
github danielcardoso / html-pages / lib / listening.js View on Github external
    global.utils.logger.log( + ' stopped.'));

  process.on('SIGINT', () => {
  process.on('kill', () => {

  let isDir;

  try {
    isDir = pathType.isDirectorySync(current);
  } catch (err) {
    isDir = false;

  if (!isDir) {
    const base = basename(current);

    console.error(`Specified directory ${chalk.bold(`"${base}"`)} doesn't exist!`)

  let message = '\n' + + ' is Online!') + ' 🚀';
  let notificationTxt = 'The server is running.';
github zeit / serve / lib / render.js View on Github external

	try {
		files = yield fs.readdir(dir);
	} catch (err) {
		throw err;

	for (const file of files) {
		const filePath = path.resolve(dir, file);
		const index = files.indexOf(file);
		const details = path.parse(filePath);

		details.relative = path.join(subPath, details.base);

		if (yield pathType.dir(filePath)) {
			details.base += '/';
		} else {
			details.ext = details.ext.split('.')[1] || 'txt';

			let fileStats;

			try {
				fileStats = yield fs.stat(filePath);
			} catch (err) {
				throw err;

			details.size = filesize(fileStats.size, {round: 0});

		details.title = details.base;
github sholladay / envy / index.js View on Github external
const assertIgnored = (filepath) => {
    const failMessage = `File must be ignored by git. Fix: echo '${path.basename(filepath)}' >> .gitignore`;
    let ignores;
    try {
        ignores = fs.readFileSync(path.join(filepath, '..', '.gitignore'), 'utf8');
    catch (error) {
        if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
            if (!pathType.dirSync(path.join(filepath, '..', '.git'))) {
            throw new Error(failMessage);
        throw error;

    if (!ignores.split(/\r?\n/u).includes(path.basename(filepath))) {
        throw new Error(failMessage);
github danielcardoso / html-pages / lib / render.js View on Github external
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
      return false;

    filesRaw = yield fs.readdir(dir);

    let files = [];

    for (const file of filesRaw) {
      const filePath = path.resolve(dir, file);
      const details = path.parse(filePath);

      details.title = details.base;
      details.stats = {};

      if (pathType.isDirectorySync(filePath)) {
        details.base += '/';
        details.type = 'dir';
        details.stats.size = '—';
      } else {
        details.ext = details.ext.split('.')[1] || '';
        details.type = 'file';

      details.relative = path.join(subPath, details.base);

      if (fu.isNotIgnoredPath(details.relative)) {
        const fileStats = yield fs.stat(filePath);

        if (!_.isString(details.stats.size)) {
          details.stats.sizeRaw = fileStats.size;
          details.stats.size = filesize(fileStats.size, {


Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink

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