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this.$store.commit(Mutations.VIEW_PROXY_SET, this.view);
// Link server side camera to local
this.client.remote.Lite.getCamera('-1').then((cameraInfo) => {
data() {
return {
orientationLabels: ['+X', '+Y', '+Z'],
computed: mapGetters({
cameraMode: Getters.VIEW_CAMERA_MODE,
client: Getters.NETWORK_CLIENT,
showRenderingStats: Getters.VIEW_STATS,
stillQuality: Getters.VIEW_QUALITY_STILL,
interactiveQuality: Getters.VIEW_QUALITY_INTERACTIVE,
stillRatio: Getters.VIEW_RATIO_STILL,
interactiveRatio: Getters.VIEW_RATIO_INTERACTIVE,
mouseThrottle: Getters.VIEW_MOUSE_THROTTLE,
maxFPS: Getters.VIEW_FPS_MAX,
watch: {
showRenderingStats() {
// this.renderer.setDrawFPS(this.showRenderingStats);
stillQuality() {
interactiveQuality() {
export default {
name: 'Files',
data() {
return {
label: 'Home',
directories: [],
groups: [],
files: [],
path: [],
color: 'grey darken-2',
computed: mapGetters({
client: Getters.NETWORK_CLIENT,
methods: Object.assign(
listServerDirectory(pathToList) {
.then((listing) => {
const { dirs, files, groups, path } = listing;
this.files = files;
this.groups = groups;
this.directories = dirs;
this.path = path;
this.label = this.path.slice(-1)[0];
openFiles(files) {