How to use pac-proxy-agent - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pac-proxy-agent examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github poooi / poi / lib / View on Github external
const username = config.get('proxy.http.username', '')
        const password = config.get('proxy.http.password', '')
        const useAuth = requirePassword && username !== '' && password !== ''
        const strAuth = `${username}:${password}@`
        const uri = `http://${useAuth ? strAuth : ''}${host}:${port}`
        if (!this.httpAgents[uri]) {
          this.httpAgents[uri] = new HttpProxyAgent(uri)
        options.agent = this.httpAgents[uri]
      // PAC
      case 'pac': {
        const uri = config.get('proxy.pacAddr')
        if (!this.pacAgents[uri]) {
          this.pacAgents[uri] = new PacProxyAgent(uri)
        options.agent = this.pacAgents[uri]
    return options
github trazyn / ieaseMusic / server / provider / index.js View on Github external => {
            if (proxy && e.proxy) {
                if (proxy.endsWith('.pac')) {
                            agent: new PacProxyAgent(proxy)
                } else {
            // If a request failed will keep waiting for other possible successes, if a request successed,
            // treat it as a rejection so Promise.all immediate break.
            return e.enginner(rp, ...args).then(
                val => Promise.reject(val),
                err => Promise.resolve(err)
github TooTallNate / node-proxy-agent / index.js View on Github external
exports.cache = new LRU(cacheSize);

 * Built-in proxy types.

exports.proxies = Object.create(null);
exports.proxies.http = httpOrHttpsProxy;
exports.proxies.https = httpOrHttpsProxy;
exports.proxies.socks = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks4 = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks4a = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks5 = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks5h = SocksProxyAgent;

PacProxyAgent.protocols.forEach(function (protocol) {
  exports.proxies['pac+' + protocol] = PacProxyAgent;

function httpOrHttps(opts, secureEndpoint) {
  if (secureEndpoint) {
    // HTTPS
    return https.globalAgent;
  } else {
    // HTTP
    return http.globalAgent;

function httpOrHttpsProxy(opts, secureEndpoint) {
  if (secureEndpoint) {
    // HTTPS
github qiushi123 / xiaochengxu_demos / 014云开发实现小程序支付 / cloud / pay / node_modules / proxy-agent / index.js View on Github external
exports.cache = new LRU(cacheSize);

 * Built-in proxy types.

exports.proxies = Object.create(null);
exports.proxies.http = httpOrHttpsProxy;
exports.proxies.https = httpOrHttpsProxy;
exports.proxies.socks = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks4 = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks4a = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks5 = SocksProxyAgent;
exports.proxies.socks5h = SocksProxyAgent;

PacProxyAgent.protocols.forEach(function (protocol) {
    exports.proxies['pac+' + protocol] = PacProxyAgent;

function httpOrHttps(opts, secureEndpoint) {
    if (secureEndpoint) {
        // HTTPS
        return https.globalAgent;
    } else {
        // HTTP
        return http.globalAgent;

function httpOrHttpsProxy(opts, secureEndpoint) {
    if (secureEndpoint) {
        // HTTPS


A PAC file proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP

Latest version published 1 month ago

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