How to use the p5.Vector.sub function in p5

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github winkerVSbecks / sketchbook / flocking.js View on Github external
function seek(target, boid) {
  // A vector pointing from the boid location to the target
  const desired = Vector.sub(target, boid.position);
  // Normalize and scale to maximum speed
  // Steer = Desired - Velocity
  const steer = Vector.sub(desired, boid.velocity);
  // Limit to maximum steering force
  return steer;
github winkerVSbecks / sketchbook / flocking.js View on Github external
function seek(target, boid) {
  // A vector pointing from the boid location to the target
  const desired = Vector.sub(target, boid.position);
  // Normalize and scale to maximum speed
  // Steer = Desired - Velocity
  const steer = Vector.sub(desired, boid.velocity);
  // Limit to maximum steering force
  return steer;
github winkerVSbecks / sketchbook / flocking.js View on Github external
([count, direction], otherBoid) => {
      const d = boid.position.dist(otherBoid.position);
      if (d > 0 && d < CONFIG.desiredSeparation) {
        // Calculate vector pointing away from neighbour
        const diff = Vector.sub(boid.position, otherBoid.position)
          .div(d); // Weight by distance
        return [count + 1, direction.add(diff)];
      return [count, direction];
    [0, new Vector(0, 0)],


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