How to use p-series - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few p-series examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nikersify / jay / test / eval.ts View on Github external
const runBasicCases: RunBasicCases = (t, ev = createEvaluator().evaluate) => cases =>
	pSeries([input, expected]) => async () =>
		t.deepEqual(await ev(input), expected, input)
	)).then(() => {}) // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-then
github zeebe-io / zeebe-modeler / client / src / app / App.js View on Github external
} else {
              const providerNames = tabsProvider.getProviderNames();

              await dialog.showOpenFileErrorDialog(getOpenFileErrorDialog({

        return tab;

    const openResults = await pSeries(openTasks);

    // filter out empty elements
    const openedTabs = openResults.filter(openedTab => openedTab);

    return openedTabs.slice().reverse();
github commercetools / nodejs / packages / custom-objects-importer / src / main.js View on Github external
// skip below because of flow issue with async/await
      // todo: remove `FlowFixMe` when [this]( issue is fixed
      // $FlowFixMe
    } = await this.client.execute(existingObjectsRequest)

    const requestsList =
      (newObjects: Array): Array =>
        this._createOrUpdateObjects(existingObjects, newObjects)

    const functionsList =
      (requests: Array): Function =>

    return pSeries(functionsList).then((): Promise => Promise.resolve())
github pastelsky / package-build-stats / tests / realWorldStats.js View on Github external
test('Sizes of popular UI Frameworks', async t => {
  const promises = => async () => {
    const res = await fetch(`${process.env.SERVER_ENDPOINT}/size?p=${encodeURIComponent(}`)
    const json = await res.json()
    console.log(json, pack)
    t.truthy(isDeltaOk(json.size, pack.size), `Size delta too large, ${json.size - pack.size}`)

  await pSeries(promises)
    .catch(r => console.log(r))
github teambit / bit / src / interactive / utils / run-interactive-cmd.js View on Github external
const writeInputsArray = async (inputsArr: InteractiveInput[]) => {
    const writeInputsP =;
    return pSeries(writeInputsP);
github teambit / bit / src / interactive / utils / run-interactive-cmd.ts View on Github external
const writeInputsArray = async (inputsArr: InteractiveInput[]) => {
    const writeInputsP =;
    return pSeries(writeInputsP);
github zeebe-io / zeebe-modeler / client / src / app / App.js View on Github external
saveAllTabs = () => {

    const {
    } = this.state;

    const saveTasks = tabs
      .filter((tab) => {
        return this.isDirty(tab) || this.isUnsaved(tab);
      }).map((tab) => {
        return () => this.saveTab(tab);

    return pSeries(saveTasks);


Run promise-returning & async functions in series

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Popular p-series functions