How to use p-limit - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few p-limit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github boltpkg / bolt / src / utils / git.js View on Github external
// Parts of this source are modified from lerna:
// lerna:
// @flow
import { BoltError } from './errors';
import * as logger from './logger';
import * as messages from './messages';
import * as processes from './processes';
import * as path from 'path';
import pLimit from 'p-limit';
import slash from 'slash';
import tempWrite from 'temp-write';
import * as os from 'os';

// We should never run more than one git command at a time, git enforces this
// for a lot of commands and will error.
const gitCommandLimit = pLimit(1);

const GIT_LOG_LINE_FORMAT_FLAG = '--pretty=format:%H %s';
const GIT_LOG_LINE_FORMAT_SPLITTER = /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+) (.*)/;

opaque type CommitHash = string;

export type Commit = {
  hash: CommitHash,
  message: string

function git(args: Array, opts: processes.SpawnOptions) {
  return gitCommandLimit(() => {
    return processes.spawn('git', args, { silent: true, ...opts });
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / plugin-commands-rebuild / src / recursive.ts View on Github external
input.length === 0
    ? rebuildAll
    : (importers: any, opts: any) => rebuildPkgs(importers, input, opts) // tslint:disable-line
  if (opts.lockfileDir) {
    const importers = await getImporters()
    await rebuild(
        pending: opts.pending === true,
  const limitRebuild = pLimit(opts.workspaceConcurrency ?? 4)
  for (const chunk of chunks) {
    await Promise.all( string) =>
      limitRebuild(async () => {
        try {
          if (opts.ignoredPackages && opts.ignoredPackages.has(rootDir)) {
          const localConfig = await memReadLocalConfig(rootDir)
          await rebuild(
                buildIndex: 0,
                manifest: manifestsByPath[rootDir].manifest,
github alphagov / paas-admin / src / lib / uaa / uaa.ts View on Github external
public async getUsers(
    userGUIDs: ReadonlyArray,
  ): Promise> {
    // Limit number of users fetched from UAA concurrently
    const pool = pLimit(CONCURRENCY_LIMIT);
    const uaaUsers = Promise.all(
        guid => pool(() => this.getUser(guid)),

    return uaaUsers;
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / package-store / src / storeController / createImportPackage.ts View on Github external
} from '@pnpm/store-controller-types'
import makeDir = require('make-dir')
import fs = require('mz/fs')
import ncpCB = require('ncp')
import pLimit from 'p-limit'
import path = require('path')
import exists = require('path-exists')
import pathTemp = require('path-temp')
import renameOverwrite = require('rename-overwrite')
import { promisify } from 'util'
import importIndexedDir from '../fs/importIndexedDir'

const ncp = promisify(ncpCB)
const limitLinking = pLimit(16)

export default (packageImportMethod?: 'auto' | 'hardlink' | 'copy' | 'clone'): ImportPackageFunction => {
  const importPackage = createImportPackage(packageImportMethod)
  return (from, to, opts) => limitLinking(() => importPackage(from, to, opts))

function createImportPackage (packageImportMethod?: 'auto' | 'hardlink' | 'copy' | 'clone') {
  // this works in the following way:
  // - hardlink: hardlink the packages, no fallback
  // - clone: clone the packages, no fallback
  // - auto: try to clone or hardlink the packages, if it fails, fallback to copy
  // - copy: copy the packages, do not try to link them first
  switch (packageImportMethod || 'auto') {
    case 'clone':
      return clonePkg
    case 'hardlink':
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / yarnpkg-core / sources / Project.ts View on Github external
? this.storedDescriptors.get(predef)
        : descriptor;

      if (typeof initial === `undefined`)
        throw new Error(`Assertion failed: The descriptor should have been registered`);

      const alias = await this.configuration.reduceHook(hooks => {
        return hooks.reduceDescriptorAlias;
      }, initial, this, descriptor);

      cachedAliases.set(descriptor.descriptorHash, alias);

      return alias;

    const limit = pLimit(10);

    while (nextResolutionPass.size !== 0) {
      const currentResolutionPass = nextResolutionPass;
      nextResolutionPass = new Set();

      // We remove from the "mustBeResolved" list all packages that have
      // already been resolved previously.

      for (const descriptorHash of currentResolutionPass)
        if (allResolutions.has(descriptorHash))

      if (currentResolutionPass.size === 0)

      // We check that the resolution dependencies have been resolved for all
github boltpkg / bolt / src / utils / processes.js View on Github external
// @flow
import crossSpawn from 'cross-spawn';
import * as logger from './logger';
import * as cleanUp from './cleanUp';
import type Package from '../Package';
import type Project from '../Project';
import pLimit from 'p-limit';
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';

const limit = pLimit(os.cpus().length);
const processes = new Set();

export function handleSignals() {
  cleanUp.handleAllSignals(() => {
    for (let child of processes) {

export class ChildProcessError extends Error {
  code: number;
  stdout: string;
  stderr: string;
github googleapis / nodejs-storage / system-test / storage.ts View on Github external
async function deleteAllBucketsAsync() {
    const [buckets] = await storage.getBuckets({prefix: TESTS_PREFIX});
    const limit = pLimit(10);
    await new Promise(resolve =>
      setTimeout(resolve, RETENTION_DURATION_SECONDS * 1000)
    return Promise.all( => limit(() => deleteBucketAsync(bucket)))
github pnpm / pnpm / packages / plugin-commands-installation / src / link.ts View on Github external
import { createOrConnectStoreControllerCached, CreateStoreControllerOptions } from '@pnpm/store-connection-manager'
import pLimit from 'p-limit'
import path = require('path')
import pathAbsolute = require('path-absolute')
import R = require('ramda')
import renderHelp = require('render-help')
import {
} from 'supi'
import * as installCommand from './install'

const installLimit = pLimit(4)

export const rcOptionsTypes = cliOptionsTypes

export function cliOptionsTypes () {
  return R.pick([
github videomanagertools / scraper / src / renderer / lib / promiseThrottle / index.ts View on Github external
function promiseThrottle(promises: IPromiseTask[], options: IOptions) {
  const { concurrency = 2, onRes } = options;
  const limit = pLimit(concurrency);
  return Promise.all( =>
      limit(() =>
        promise.task(...promise.arguments).then(res => res)
      ).then(() => onRes(limit))
export default promiseThrottle;
github smooth-code / smooth.js / packages / smooth-backend-wordpress / src / acf / api.js View on Github external
export function createClient({
}) {
  const limit = pLimit(concurrency)
  const token = Buffer.from(`${user}:${password}`).toString('base64')
  const headers = { Authorization: `Basic ${token}` }

  return {
    async getContents({ type, slug, lang, query }) {
      type = type.toLowerCase()
      const params = getParams({ lang: lang || defaultLanguage, type, query })

      if (slug) {
        params.slug = slug
        const { data } = await axios.get(
          { params },
        if (data && data.status !== 'publish') return []
        return data


Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency

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Popular p-limit functions