How to use ospath - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ospath examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github unfoldingWord / translationCore / __mocks__ / adm-zip.js View on Github external
'use strict';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path-extra';
import ospath from 'ospath';
// constant
const TEMP_IMPORT_PATH = path.join(ospath.home(), 'translationCore', 'imports', 'temp');

class AdmZip {
  constructor(sourcePath) {
    this.sourcePath = sourcePath;

  // mocking unzipping a file using fs-extra mock
  extractAllTo(destinationPath, options) {
    // using fs to mock saving the files in file system.
    const fileName = this.sourcePath.split(path.sep).pop();
    const fileDestinationPath = path.join(destinationPath, fileName);
    // fileDestinationPath is the path and the array is the files in the path
      [TEMP_IMPORT_PATH]: ['id_tit_text_ulb', 'manifest.json', '.DS_Store'],
      [fileDestinationPath]: ['01', '02', '03', 'front', '', 'manifest.json']
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / helpers / LoadHelpers.js View on Github external
/* eslint-disable no-console */
import path from 'path-extra';
import ospath from 'ospath';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
// constants
const DEFAULT_SAVE = path.join(ospath.home(), 'translationCore', 'projects');

 * Loads a json file.
 * @param {string} directory - Directorty of the file to load, not the file name.
 * @param {string} file - The file name to load.
export function loadFile(directory, file) {
  if (!directory) {
    return null;

  const pathLocation = path.join(directory, file);

  if (fs.existsSync(pathLocation)) {
    return fs.readJsonSync(pathLocation);
  } else {
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / actions / RecentProjectsActions.js View on Github external
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import path from 'path-extra';
import ospath from 'ospath';
import consts from './ActionTypes';
// constants
const DEFAULT_SAVE = path.join(ospath.home(), 'translationCore', 'projects');

 * Reads projects from the fs in ~/translationCore/
export function getProjectsFromFolder() {
  const recentProjects = fs.readdirSync(DEFAULT_SAVE);
  return {
    type: consts.GET_RECENT_PROJECTS,
    recentProjects: recentProjects,
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / actions / ResourcesActions.js View on Github external
// actions
// helpers
import * as ResourcesHelpers from '../helpers/ResourcesHelpers';
import * as SettingsHelpers from '../helpers/SettingsHelpers';
import * as BibleHelpers from '../helpers/bibleHelpers';
import * as Bible from '../common/BooksOfTheBible';
import {
} from '../common/constants';
import * as SettingsActions from './SettingsActions';
import consts from './ActionTypes';

// constants
const USER_RESOURCES_PATH = path.join(ospath.home(), 'translationCore/resources');
const bookCache = new SimpleCache();

 * Adds a bible to the resources reducer.
 * @param {String} languageId - language id: en, hi, el-x-koine, he.
 * @param {String} bibleId - name/label for bible: ult, udt, ust, ugnt.
 * @param {object} bibleData - data being saved in the bible property.
export function addNewBible(languageId, bibleId, bibleData) {
  return ((dispatch) => {
    if (BibleHelpers.isOriginalLanguage(languageId)) {
      languageId = ORIGINAL_LANGUAGE;
      type: consts.ADD_NEW_BIBLE_TO_RESOURCES,
      languageId: languageId,
github w3f / polkadot-deployer / test / lib / core / files.js View on Github external
it('should return the deployments path', () => {
      const expected = path.join(, 'polkadot-deployer', 'deployments');

      const subject = new Files();
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / helpers / groupsIndexHelpers.js View on Github external
export function getGroupsIndex(gatewayLanguageId, toolName) {
  try {
    const toolResourceDirectory = path.join(ospath.home(), 'translationCore', 'resources', gatewayLanguageId, TRANSLATION_HELPS, toolName);
    const versionDirectory = ResourceAPI.getLatestVersion(toolResourceDirectory) || toolResourceDirectory;
    const dataDirectory = path.join(versionDirectory, 'kt');
    const groupIndexDataDirectory = path.join(dataDirectory, 'index.json');
    return fs.readJsonSync(groupIndexDataDirectory);
  } catch (error) {
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / actions / CSVExportActions.js View on Github external
export const getDefaultPath = (csvSaveLocation, projectName) => {
  let defaultPath;
  const OSX_DOCUMENTS_PATH = path.join(ospath.home(), 'Documents');
  const WIN_DOCUMENTS_PATH = path.join(ospath.home(), 'My Documents');

  if (csvSaveLocation) {
    defaultPath = path.join(csvSaveLocation, projectName + '.zip');
  } else if (fs.existsSync(OSX_DOCUMENTS_PATH)) {
    defaultPath = path.join(OSX_DOCUMENTS_PATH, projectName + '.zip');
  } else if (fs.existsSync(WIN_DOCUMENTS_PATH)) {
    defaultPath = path.join(WIN_DOCUMENTS_PATH, projectName + '.zip');
  } else {
    defaultPath = path.join(ospath.home(), projectName + '.zip');
  return defaultPath;
github Flood-UI / flood / server / models / Filesystem.js View on Github external
const getDirectoryList = (options, callback) => {
  const sourcePath = (options.path || '/').replace(/^~/, ospath.home());

  try {
    const directories = [];
    const files = [];

    fs.readdirSync(sourcePath).forEach(item => {
      const joinedPath = path.join(sourcePath, item);
      if (fs.existsSync(joinedPath)) {
        if (fs.statSync(joinedPath).isDirectory()) {
        } else {
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / helpers / exportHelpers.js View on Github external
setTimeout(() => {
      /**Path to save the usfm file @type {string}*/
      let defaultPath;
      if (lastSaveLocation) {
        /**trys default save location first then trys different OS's */
        defaultPath = path.join(lastSaveLocation, projectName + `.${ext}`);
      else if (fs.existsSync(OSX_DOCUMENTS_PATH)) {
        defaultPath = path.join(OSX_DOCUMENTS_PATH, projectName + `.${ext}`);
      } else if (fs.existsSync(WIN_DOCUMENTS_PATH)) {
        defaultPath = path.join(WIN_DOCUMENTS_PATH, projectName + `.${ext}`);
      else {
        defaultPath = path.join(ospath.home(), projectName + `.${ext}`);
      const filePath = ipcRenderer.sendSync('save-as', { options: { defaultPath: defaultPath, filters: [{ extensions: [ext] }], title: 'Save Export As' } });
      if (filePath) resolve(filePath);
      else reject();
    }, 200);
github unfoldingWord / translationCore / src / js / pages / app.js View on Github external
componentWillMount() {
    const tCDir = path.join(ospath.home(), 'translationCore', 'projects');


Operating system specific paths.

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Popular ospath functions