How to use orm - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few orm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Wolox / express-js-bootstrap / app / models / scripts / tableCreation.js View on Github external
exports.execute = (DB_URL, cb) => {

  orm.connect(DB_URL, (err, db) => {

    if (err) {
      throw err;

    // console.log('Connected to db!');

    models.define(orm, db);

    // add the table to the database
    db.sync((syncErr) => {
      if (syncErr) {
        throw syncErr;

      if (cb) {
github unicode-org / cldr / tools / cldr-apps-watcher / routes / stwatcher.js View on Github external

exports._latest = function(req,res) {
    res.send("Not setup yet");

exports.history = function(req,res) {

exports._history = function(req,res) {
    res.send("Not setup yet");

orm.connect(CONFIG.watcher.dbpath, function (orm_err, db) {
    if(orm_err) {
        console.log("Error with database: " + orm_err.toString());
        throw orm_err;

    // setup DB stuff
    var HostStatus = db.define("hoststatus", {
        host      : String,
        when      : Date,
        alive     : Boolean,
        ns        : Number
    }, {
        methods: {
        validations: {
github rafaelkaufmann / q-orm / examples / basic.js View on Github external
var Person = db.qDefine("person", {
		name      : String,
		surname   : String,
		age       : Number,
		male      : Boolean,
		continent : [ "Europe", "America", "Asia", "Africa", "Australia", "Antartica" ], // ENUM type
		photo     : Buffer, // BLOB/BINARY
		data      : Object // JSON encoded
	}, {
		methods: {
			fullName: function () {
				return + ' ' + this.surname;
		validations: {
			age: orm.enforce.ranges.number(18, undefined, "under-age")

	return Person.qAll({ surname: "Doe" })
	.then(function (people) {
		// SQL: "SELECT * FROM person WHERE surname = 'Doe'"

		console.log("People found: %d", people.length);
		console.log("First person: %s, age %d", people[0].fullName(), people[0].age);

		people[0].age = 16;
		return people[0].qSave()
		.fail(function (err) {
github DnD-industries / stellar_tipping_bot / src / models / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = async () => {
  let conn_url;
  if(process.env.PG_URL) {
    conn_url = process.env.PG_URL;
  } else {
    const password = process.env.PG_PASSWORD ? `:${process.env.PG_PASSWORD}` : "";
    const host_with_port = process.env.PG_PORT ? `${process.env.PG_HOST}:${process.env.PG_PORT}` : process.env.PG_HOST;
    conn_url = `postgres://${process.env.PG_USER}${password}@${host_with_port}/${process.env.PG_DB}`;
  conn_url += `?pool=false`;
  console.log("Postgres connection URL is: " + conn_url);
  const db = await orm.connectAsync(conn_url);

  // +++ Model definitions

  const models = {
    account: configure(require('./account')(db), db),
    transaction: configure(require('./transaction')(db), db),
    action: configure(require('./action')(db), db),
    slackAuth: configure(require('./slack-auth')(db), db),

  await db.syncPromise();

  return models;
github teslajs / tesla.js / app / _templates / models / template.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (app) {

    var orm = require("orm"),
        tesla = require('../../lib/tesla')(app),
        teslaDB = require('../../lib/tesla.db')(app),
        enforce = require("enforce"),
        colors = require('colors'),
        db  = orm.connect(app.config.db.url);

    orm.settings.set("instance.returnAllErrors", true);

    // Be sure to add some files to the schema below or you will not have success quering or adding to the database
    var Model = db.define("{model}", {
        created   : { type: "date", time: true },
        updated   : { type: "date", time: true }
        // _id : { type: "text" },
        // name      : { type: "text", required: true },
        // isAdmin : { type: "boolean", defaultValue: false },
    }, {
        validations: {
            // password:'luns5', 'Passowrd does not meet min security requirements.'),
            // email:'Please enter a valid email address.')
github HiJesse / Demeter / config / DBConfig.js View on Github external
export const initORM = callback => {
    if (connection) { // 如果已经有数据库连接了, 就直接回调出去
        return callback(null, connection);

    // 创建数据库连接
    orm.connect(Config.env.DB, (err, db) => {
        if (err) {
            LogUtil.e('ORM ' + err);
            return callback(err);

        LogUtil.i('ORM connected');

        // 保存连接
        connection = db;
        db.settings.set('instance.returnAllErrors', true);

        // 安装models
        setup(db, callback);
github flowgrammable / flowsim / src / candidate_for_deletion / conf / database.js View on Github external
module.exports = function (cb) {

	orm.connect(settings.database, function (err, db) {
		if (err) return cb(err);
		connection = db;

		// define models
		require('../modules/subscriber/model.js')(db, orm);
		require('../modules/profile/model.js')(db, orm);
		return cb(null, db);
github gomeplusFED / DataPlatform / config / apiFunction / rebate.js View on Github external
rebate_shop_04(query , params , sendData){
        // params.plan_type = "ALL";
        params.plan_name = "ALL";
        params.rebate_level = "ALL";
        params.rebate_type = "ALL";
        params.plan_id = "ALL";
        params.unique_plan_id_num =;
        return params;
    rebate_shop_04_f(data, query, dates){
github komarserjio / notejam / express / notejam / app.js View on Github external
app.use(session({cookie: { maxAge: 60000 }, secret: 'secret'}));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

// DB configuration
var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var db = new sqlite3.Database(settings.db);

orm.settings.set("instance.returnAllErrors", true);
app.use(, {
  define: function (db, models, next) {
    db.load("./models", function (err) {
      models.User = db.models.users;
      models.Pad = db.models.pads;
      models.Note = db.models.notes;

// Flash Messages configuration
app.use(function(req, res, next){
  res.locals.flash_messages = {
    'success': req.flash('success'),
    'error': req.flash('error')
github danielrob / aperitif-editor / src / duck / tasks / createComponentBundle.js View on Github external

  const directoryId = File.create({
    nameId: componentNameId,
    type: DIR,
    children: [
      File.create({ nameId: INDEX_NAME_ID, declarationIds: [newComponentDeclarationId] }),
      File.create({ nameId: wrapperNameId, type: SC, declarationIds: [wrapperDeclarationId] }),


  // refresh session data

  return [


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