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await fs.copy(identityKeyFixtures, identityKeysPath)
await fs.copy(signingKeyFixtures, signingKeysPath)
// Start two IPFS instances
ipfs1 = await startIpfs(IPFS, ipfsConfig1)
ipfs2 = await startIpfs(IPFS, ipfsConfig2)
await connectPeers(ipfs1, ipfs2)
// Get the peer IDs
id1 = await getIpfsPeerId(ipfs1)
id2 = await getIpfsPeerId(ipfs2)
// Use mem-store for faster testing (no disk IO)
const memstore = new MemStore()
ipfs1.dag.put = memstore.put.bind(memstore)
ipfs1.dag.get = memstore.get.bind(memstore)
ipfs2.dag.put = memstore.put.bind(memstore)
ipfs2.dag.get = memstore.get.bind(memstore)
keystore = new Keystore(identityKeysPath)
signingKeystore = new Keystore(signingKeysPath)
// Create an identity for each peers
testIdentity = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity({ id: 'userB', keystore, signingKeystore })
testIdentity2 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity({ id: 'userA', keystore, signingKeystore })
await fs.copy(identityKeyFixtures, identityKeysPath)
await fs.copy(signingKeyFixtures, signingKeysPath)
// Start two IPFS instances
ipfs1 = await startIpfs(IPFS, ipfsConfig1)
ipfs2 = await startIpfs(IPFS, ipfsConfig2)
await connectPeers(ipfs1, ipfs2)
// Get the peer IDs
id1 = await getIpfsPeerId(ipfs1)
id2 = await getIpfsPeerId(ipfs2)
// Use mem-store for faster testing (no disk IO)
const memstore = new MemStore()
ipfs1.dag.put = memstore.put.bind(memstore)
ipfs1.dag.get = memstore.get.bind(memstore)
ipfs2.dag.put = memstore.put.bind(memstore)
ipfs2.dag.get = memstore.get.bind(memstore)
keystore = new Keystore(identityKeysPath)
signingKeystore = new Keystore(signingKeysPath)
// Create an identity for each peers
testIdentity = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity({ id: 'userB', keystore, signingKeystore })
testIdentity2 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity({ id: 'userA', keystore, signingKeystore })