How to use the openapi-enforcer.Exception function in openapi-enforcer

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} else if (req.headers.hasOwnProperty(mockHeaderKey)) {
          mock = parseMockValue('header', responseCodes, req.headers[mockHeaderKey])
        } else if (automatic) {
          mock = {
            origin: 'automatic',
            source: '',
            specified: false,
            statusCode: responseCodes[0] || ''

        // if skipping mock then call next middleware
        if (!mock) return next()

        const version = _openapi.swagger ? 2 : +/^(\d+)/.exec(_openapi.openapi)[0]
        const exception = new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to generate mock response')
        exception.statusCode = 400

        if (operation.responses.hasOwnProperty(mock.statusCode)) mock.response = operation.responses[mock.statusCode]
        req[options.reqMockProperty] = mock

        // if a controller is provided then call it
        if (!mock.source || mock.source === 'controller') {
          if (controller) {
            res.set(ENFORCER_HEADER, 'mock:controller')
            debug.controllers('executing mock controller')
            try {
              controller(req, res, next)
            } catch (err) {
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const rootController = openapi && openapi[xController]

  // validate input
  let controllersTargetType = typeof controllersTarget
  const mockStr = isMock ? 'mock ' : ''
  if (controllersTargetType !== 'function' && controllersTargetType !== 'string' && !isNonNullObject(controllersTarget)) {
    const exception = new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load ' + mockStr + 'controllers')
    exception.message('Controllers target must be a string, a non-null object, or a function that returns a non-null object')
    throw Error(exception.toString())

  // if the controllers target is a function then execute it
  if (controllersTargetType === 'function') {
    controllersTarget = controllersTarget.apply(undefined, dependencyInjection)
    if (!isNonNullObject(controllersTarget)) {
      const exception = new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load ' + mockStr + 'controllers')
      exception.message('Controllers target function must return a non-null object')
      throw Error(exception.toString())

  const controllerTargetIsString = typeof controllersTarget === 'string'
  const exception = controllerTargetIsString
    ? new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load one or more ' + mockStr + 'directory controllers within ' + controllersTarget)
    : new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load one or more ' + mockStr + 'controllers')

  Object.keys(openapi.paths).forEach(pathKey => {
    const pathItem = openapi.paths[pathKey]
    const pathController = pathItem[xController]

    pathItem.methods.forEach(method => {
      const operation = pathItem && pathItem[method]
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  // if the controllers target is a function then execute it
  if (controllersTargetType === 'function') {
    controllersTarget = controllersTarget.apply(undefined, dependencyInjection)
    if (!isNonNullObject(controllersTarget)) {
      const exception = new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load ' + mockStr + 'controllers')
      exception.message('Controllers target function must return a non-null object')
      throw Error(exception.toString())

  const controllerTargetIsString = typeof controllersTarget === 'string'
  const exception = controllerTargetIsString
    ? new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load one or more ' + mockStr + 'directory controllers within ' + controllersTarget)
    : new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load one or more ' + mockStr + 'controllers')

  Object.keys(openapi.paths).forEach(pathKey => {
    const pathItem = openapi.paths[pathKey]
    const pathController = pathItem[xController]

    pathItem.methods.forEach(method => {
      const operation = pathItem && pathItem[method]
      const operationController = operation && operation[xController]
      const controllerName = operationController || pathController || rootController
      const operationName = operation && (operation[xOperation] || operation.operationId)
      if (controllerName && operationName) {
        const child =
        let handler

        // load controller from file path
        if (controllerTargetIsString) {
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function mapControllers (openapi, isMock, controllersTarget, dependencyInjection, options) {
  const loadedControllers = {}
  const map = new Map()
  const xController = options.xController
  const xOperation = options.xOperation
  const rootController = openapi && openapi[xController]

  // validate input
  let controllersTargetType = typeof controllersTarget
  const mockStr = isMock ? 'mock ' : ''
  if (controllersTargetType !== 'function' && controllersTargetType !== 'string' && !isNonNullObject(controllersTarget)) {
    const exception = new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load ' + mockStr + 'controllers')
    exception.message('Controllers target must be a string, a non-null object, or a function that returns a non-null object')
    throw Error(exception.toString())

  // if the controllers target is a function then execute it
  if (controllersTargetType === 'function') {
    controllersTarget = controllersTarget.apply(undefined, dependencyInjection)
    if (!isNonNullObject(controllersTarget)) {
      const exception = new Enforcer.Exception('Unable to load ' + mockStr + 'controllers')
      exception.message('Controllers target function must return a non-null object')
      throw Error(exception.toString())

  const controllerTargetIsString = typeof controllersTarget === 'string'
  const exception = controllerTargetIsString


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