How to use the onvif.Cam function in onvif

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github bartbutenaers / node-red-contrib-onvif-nodes / onvif_config.js View on Github external
// TODO checken of er altijd een this.credentials bestaat, indien username en paswoord niet ingevuld is.
            // The client credentials will only contain the data (i.e. user name or password) which has changed.
            // The other data is not changed, so we will need use the original data stored on the server.
            clientConfig.username = clientConfig.user || this.credentials.user;
            clientConfig.password = clientConfig.password || this.credentials.password;
            // When the user appends some new text to the existing password, then the original password is passed via the client as __PWRD__
            // So replace __PWRD__ again by the original password.
            if (clientConfig.password && this.credentials.password) {
               clientConfig.password.replace('___PWRD__', this.credentials.password);
            if (this.credentials.user !== clientConfig.user || this.credentials.password !== clientConfig.password || this.xaddress !== clientConfig.hostname){
                var cam = new onvif.Cam(clientConfig, function(err) {             
                    if (!err) {
                        if (cam.profiles) {
                            for(var i = 0; i < cam.profiles.length; i++) {
                                    label: cam.profiles[i].name,
                                    value: cam.profiles[i].$.token
            else {
                if ( {
github bartbutenaers / node-red-contrib-onvif-nodes / onvif_config.js View on Github external
        setOnvifStatus(node, "initializing");
        var options = {};
        options.hostname = this.xaddress;
        options.port = this.port;
        if (this.credentials && this.credentials.user) {
            options.username = this.credentials.user;
            options.password = this.credentials.password;

        // Create a new camera instance, which will automatically connect to the device (to load configuration data) = new onvif.Cam(options, function(err) { 
            if (err) {
                // Make sure the Catch-node can catch the error
                node.error( err, {} );
                setOnvifStatus(node, "disconnected");
            else {  
                setOnvifStatus(node, "connected"); 
        node.on('close', function(){
			setOnvifStatus(node, "");


Client to ONVIF NVT devices Profile S: cameras

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