How to use ol-layerswitcher - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ol-layerswitcher examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mapgears / ol3-google-maps / examples / archived / layerswitcher.js View on Github external
interactions: defaultInteractions(),
  layers: [
  target: 'map',
  view: new View({
    center: center,
    zoom: 12

const olGM = new OLGoogleMaps({map: map}); // map is the Map instance

const layerSwitcher = new LayerSwitcher();
github camptocamp / ngeo / api / src / Map.js View on Github external
this.map_.addControl(new MousePosition({
        coordinateFormat: createStringXY(0)
    if (options.addMiniMap) {
      this.map_.addControl(new OverviewMap({
        collapsed: !options.miniMapExpanded,
        view: new View({
          projection: this.view_.getProjection(),
          resolutions: this.view_.getResolutions()

    if (options.addLayerSwitcher) {
      this.map_.addControl(new LayerSwitcher());

    // Get background layer first...
    themes.getBackgroundLayers().then((layers) => {
      // The options is an array for backward compatibility reason.
      const backgroundLayer = options.backgroundLayers || [constants.backgroundLayer];
      for (const layer of layers) {
        if (backgroundLayer.includes(layer.get(''))) {
          // we don't want the background layer in the layerswitch so we remove the title.
          layer.set('title', undefined);

      // ... then get overlay layers (if defined)
      const overlayLayerNames = options.layers;


Layer switcher control for OpenLayers

Latest version published 6 months ago

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Popular ol-layerswitcher functions