How to use the oidc-token-hash.validate function in oidc-token-hash

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few oidc-token-hash examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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if (payload.s_hash) {
        if (!state) {
          throw new TypeError('cannot verify s_hash, "checks.state" property not provided');

        try {
          tokenHash.validate({ claim: 's_hash', source: 'state' }, payload.s_hash, state, header.alg, key && key.crv);
        } catch (err) {
          throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    if (tokenSet.access_token && payload.at_hash !== undefined) {
      try {
        tokenHash.validate({ claim: 'at_hash', source: 'access_token' }, payload.at_hash, tokenSet.access_token, header.alg, key && key.crv);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    if (tokenSet.code && payload.c_hash !== undefined) {
      try {
        tokenHash.validate({ claim: 'c_hash', source: 'code' }, payload.c_hash, tokenSet.code, header.alg, key && key.crv);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    return tokenSet;
github panva / node-openid-client / lib / client.js View on Github external
throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    if (tokenSet.access_token && payload.at_hash !== undefined) {
      try {
        tokenHash.validate({ claim: 'at_hash', source: 'access_token' }, payload.at_hash, tokenSet.access_token, header.alg, key && key.crv);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    if (tokenSet.code && payload.c_hash !== undefined) {
      try {
        tokenHash.validate({ claim: 'c_hash', source: 'code' }, payload.c_hash, tokenSet.code, header.alg, key && key.crv);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    return tokenSet;
github panva / node-openid-client / lib / client.js View on Github external
if (!payload.s_hash && (tokenSet.state || state)) {
          throw new RPError({
            message: 'missing required property s_hash',
            jwt: idToken,

      if (payload.s_hash) {
        if (!state) {
          throw new TypeError('cannot verify s_hash, "checks.state" property not provided');

        try {
          tokenHash.validate({ claim: 's_hash', source: 'state' }, payload.s_hash, state, header.alg, key && key.crv);
        } catch (err) {
          throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    if (tokenSet.access_token && payload.at_hash !== undefined) {
      try {
        tokenHash.validate({ claim: 'at_hash', source: 'access_token' }, payload.at_hash, tokenSet.access_token, header.alg, key && key.crv);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new RPError({ message: err.message, jwt: idToken });

    if (tokenSet.code && payload.c_hash !== undefined) {
      try {


oidc-token-hash validates (and generates) ID Token `_hash` claims such as `at_hash` or `c_hash`

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