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it('can create a new token', function (done) {
// Mock the api responses
var creds = {
username: 'fakeuser',
password: 'fakepass'
configSpy = sandbox.spy(octonode.auth, 'config'),
loginStub = sandbox.stub(octonode.auth, 'login', function (scopes, cb) {
cb(null, 1, 'Created Token');
auth.askForGithubCredentials = sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve(creds));
auth.saveToken = sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({
saveto: 'fakepath',
tokenId: 1,
token: 'Created Token'
auth.token().then(function (token) {
token.should.equal('Created Token');
function fetchSourceCodeFromGithubRepo () {
// console.log('fetch source code from github')
// in the middleware configuration, assume we already have an access token
// access token must be done through github oauth login
var token = config.token;
if (typeof token === "undefined") {
throw new Error('token is a required option!');
var client = github.client(token);
var repo = config.repo || "Stackvana/microcule-examples";
var branch = config.branch || "master";
var main = config.main || "index.js";
var ghrepo = client.repo(repo, branch);
ghrepo.contents(main, function (err, file) {
if (err) {
return config.errorHandler(err, next);
req.code = base64Decode(file.content).toString();
provider.set(key, req.code, function(err, _set){
var _ = require('lodash');
var Q = require('q');
var configService = require('./app/models/configurationService')();
var CONFIG = configService.get();
var dbLibrary = CONFIG.testDB ? 'monkey-js' : 'monk';
var monk = require(dbLibrary);
var async = require('async');
var utilities = require('./utilities');
var github = require('octonode');
var request = require('request');
var colors = require('colors');
var client = github.client({
username: CONFIG.githubUser,
password: CONFIG.githubPassword
var console = require('./app/models/consoleService')();
var url = CONFIG.databaseUrl;
var db = monk(url);
var apiUrl = '';
var collections = {
repos: db.get('repos'),
users: db.get('users'),
// uses to store additional private user data
userSettings: db.get('auth_users')
}).login(['user', 'repo', 'gist'], function(err, id, token) {
settings.token = token; // save the client token
settings.client = github.client(settings.token); // create a client object
settings.client.get('/user', function(err, status, body) { // get user details = body;
ghgist = settings.client.gist(); // create a reference to gist api
id: id,
token: token,
err: err
oauth.login = function(req, res) {
var gotoNextStep = !!req.query.next_step;
if (req.session.loginName) {
// if has session.loginName, logined
res.redirect(302, '/' + (gotoNextStep ? '#step-2' : ''));
// oauth login url
var authUrl = github.auth.login(['read:org']);
// Store info to verify against CSRF
req.session.authState = authUrl.match(/&state=([0-9a-z]{32})/i)[1];
if (gotoNextStep) {
req.session.gotoNextStep = true;
res.redirect(302, authUrl);
exports.auth = function(req, res) {
// authenticate
username: req.params.user,
password: req.params.pass
}).login(['user', 'repo', 'gist'], function(err, id, token) {
settings.token = token; // save the client token
settings.client = github.client(settings.token); // create a client object
settings.client.get('/user', function(err, status, body) { // get user details = body;
ghgist = settings.client.gist(); // create a reference to gist api
id: id,
token: token,
err: err
getGithubToken = function (credentials) {
var authRequestData = {
scopes: ['gist', 'repo'],
// TODO: Include current working directory name or something instead of date?
note: 'git-at-me created on ' + (new Date().toDateString())
getAuthToken = Promise.promisify(octonode.auth.login, octonode.auth);
return getAuthToken(authRequestData);
/*jshint laxbreak:true */
* GET login / auth page.
var Q = require('q');
var nconf = require('nconf');
var github = require('octonode');
var User = require('../models/User');
var winston = require('winston');
var oauth = {};
id: nconf.get('github:clientId'),
secret: nconf.get('github:clientSecret')
oauth.login = function(req, res) {
var gotoNextStep = !!req.query.next_step;
if (req.session.loginName) {
// if has session.loginName, logined
res.redirect(302, '/' + (gotoNextStep ? '#step-2' : ''));
// oauth login url
var authUrl = github.auth.login(['read:org']);
// Store info to verify against CSRF
req.session.authState = authUrl.match(/&state=([0-9a-z]{32})/i)[1];
if (gotoNextStep) {
var authCallback = function(req, res, next) {
var cookies = new Cookies(req, res);
github.auth.login(req.query.code, function(err, token) {
// If we got a token, save it to a cookie
if (token) {
tokenHelpers.setToken(cookies, token);
// Then redirect the user
res.writeHead(301, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Location': '/'});
exports.auth = function(req, res) {
// authenticate
username: req.params.user,
password: req.params.pass
}).login(['user', 'repo', 'gist'], function(err, id, token) {
settings.token = token; // save the client token
settings.client = github.client(settings.token); // create a client object
settings.client.get('/user', function(err, status, body) { // get user details = body;
ghgist = settings.client.gist(); // create a reference to gist api
id: id,
token: token,
err: err