How to use the objection.RelationExpression.create function in objection

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few objection examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / query / eagerScope.js View on Github external
export default function eagerScope(modelClass, expr, scopes, filters = null,
  prepend = false, isRoot = true) {
  if (isRoot) {
    expr = expr?.isObjectionRelationExpression
      ? expr.clone()
      : RelationExpression.create(expr)
  } else {
    // Only add the scope if it's not already defined by the eager statement and
    // if it's actually available as a filter in the model's namedFilters list.
    for (const scope of scopes) {
      if (!expr.args.includes(scope) &&
          (modelClass.namedFilters[scope] || filters?.[scope])) {
        expr.args[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](scope)
  if (expr.numChildren > 0) {
    const relations = modelClass.getRelations()
    for (const child of Object.values(expr.children)) {
      const relation = relations[]
      if (!relation) {
        throw new RelationError(
github feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-objection / src / index.js View on Github external
throw new errors.GeneralError('You must provide an Objection Model');

    const whitelist = Object.values(OPERATORS).concat(options.whitelist || []);

      id: options.model.idColumn || 'id',
    }, options));

    this.idSeparator = options.idSeparator || ',';
    this.jsonSchema = options.model.jsonSchema;
    this.allowedEager = options.allowedEager && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedEager);
    this.namedEagerFilters = options.namedEagerFilters;
    this.eagerFilters = options.eagerFilters;
    this.allowedInsert = options.allowedInsert && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedInsert);
    this.insertGraphOptions = options.insertGraphOptions;
    this.createUseUpsertGraph = options.createUseUpsertGraph;
    this.allowedUpsert = options.allowedUpsert && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedUpsert);
    this.upsertGraphOptions = options.upsertGraphOptions;
github feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-objection / src / index.js View on Github external
mergeRelations (optionRelations, paramRelations) {
    if (!paramRelations) {
      return optionRelations;

    if (!optionRelations) {
      return RelationExpression.create(paramRelations);

    return optionRelations.merge(paramRelations);
github feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-objection / src / index.js View on Github external
const whitelist = Object.values(OPERATORS).concat(options.whitelist || []);

      id: options.model.idColumn || 'id',
    }, options));

    this.idSeparator = options.idSeparator || ',';
    this.jsonSchema = options.model.jsonSchema;
    this.allowedEager = options.allowedEager && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedEager);
    this.namedEagerFilters = options.namedEagerFilters;
    this.eagerFilters = options.eagerFilters;
    this.allowedInsert = options.allowedInsert && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedInsert);
    this.insertGraphOptions = options.insertGraphOptions;
    this.createUseUpsertGraph = options.createUseUpsertGraph;
    this.allowedUpsert = options.allowedUpsert && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedUpsert);
    this.upsertGraphOptions = options.upsertGraphOptions;
github feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-objection / src / index.js View on Github external
constructor (options) {
    if (!options.model) {
      throw new errors.GeneralError('You must provide an Objection Model');

    const whitelist = Object.values(OPERATORS).concat(options.whitelist || []);

      id: options.model.idColumn || 'id',
    }, options));

    this.idSeparator = options.idSeparator || ',';
    this.jsonSchema = options.model.jsonSchema;
    this.allowedEager = options.allowedEager && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedEager);
    this.namedEagerFilters = options.namedEagerFilters;
    this.eagerFilters = options.eagerFilters;
    this.allowedInsert = options.allowedInsert && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedInsert);
    this.insertGraphOptions = options.insertGraphOptions;
    this.createUseUpsertGraph = options.createUseUpsertGraph;
    this.allowedUpsert = options.allowedUpsert && RelationExpression.create(options.allowedUpsert);
    this.upsertGraphOptions = options.upsertGraphOptions;
github feathersjs-ecosystem / feathers-objection / src / index.js View on Github external
  'not between',


const NO_RELATIONS = RelationExpression.create('[]');

 * Class representing an feathers adapter for Objection.js ORM.
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {string} ['id'] - database id field
 * @param {string} [options.idSeparator=','] - id field primary keys separator char
 * @param {object} options.model - an Objection model
 * @param {object} options.paginate
 * @param {object}
 * @param {string} options.allowedEager - Objection eager loading string.
class Service extends AdapterService {
  constructor (options) {
    if (!options.model) {
      throw new errors.GeneralError('You must provide an Objection Model');