Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
submenu.items[0].enabled == false,
submenu.items[1].enabled == true,
submenu.items[2].enabled == true,
submenu.items[3].enabled == true,
'After flip checked and enabled');
// Click to flip other items
var lastone = submenu.items[0];
submenu.items[0].click = submenu.items[1].click = submenu.items[2].click = submenu.items[3].click = function() {
lastone.checked = !lastone.checked;
lastone.enabled = !lastone.enabled;
this.enabled = !this.enabled;
lastone = this;
var tray = new gui.Tray({ title: 'Test Menu', menu: menu });
menu.items[0].icon = 'icon1.png';
menu.items[0].icon == 'icon1.png',
'Set Menu Icon');
menu.items[0].icon = '';
menu.items[0].icon == '',
'Clear Menu Icon');
menu.items[1].icon = tray.icon = 'icon1.png';
menu.items[1].on('click', function() {
console.log('Item Mama');
function initSystray(){
console.log("Init systray !\n");
var ffi = require("ffi");
/*var libm = new ffi.Library("libm", { "ceil": [ "double", [ "double" ] ] });
libm.ceil(1.5); // 2
console.log(" libm ceil(1.5) = "+ libm);*/
// Create a tray icon
tray = new gui.Tray({ title: 'Uhuru-AV', icon: 'img/uhuru_systray.png' }); = SystrayMenu();
function initTray() {
// TODO: maybe have a giant display for the time that spans 5 menu items; make the time more prominent
// add tray icon to statusbar:
tray = new gui.Tray({ icon: 'assets/icon2.png'});
* create the main tray menu and its items
trayMenu = new gui.Menu();
trayMenuItems.lastSlept = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'ugh', enabled: false });
trayMenuItems.lastWoke = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'ugh', enabled: false });
trayMenuItems.duration = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'ugh', enabled: false });
trayMenuItems.sep1 = new gui.MenuItem({type: 'separator'});
trayMenuItems.reasonLabel = new gui.MenuItem({type: 'normal', label: 'reason for sleep:', enabled: false});
trayMenuItems.reason = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'ugh', enabled: false });
trayMenuItems.sep2 = new gui.MenuItem({type: 'separator'});
trayMenuItems.startup = new gui.MenuItem({type: 'checkbox', label: 'run on login?', checked: false});
trayMenuItems.about = new gui.MenuItem({type: 'normal', label: 'about'});
trayMenuItems.quit = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'quit', enabled: true });
setTimeout(updateTray, TRAY_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
if (!dirPath) {
findPkg(dirPath, function (err, pkgPath, pkgData) {
// package.json name or fallback to dir name
var name = pkgData && || path.basename(dirPath, path.extname(dirPath)); = createTrayMenu(name, generators);
var win = gui.Window.get();
var tray = new gui.Tray({
icon: 'menubar-icon@2x.png',
alticon: 'menubar-icon@2x.png'
var menu = new gui.Menu();
menu.append(new gui.MenuItem({
label: 'No Yeoman project found',
enabled: false
})); = menu;
function hideWindow() {
function showWindow() {;
// Create permanent tray icon
// Tray icon
var icon = (os.platform() === 'darwin') ? 'images/tray_mac.png' : 'images/tray.png';
tray = new gui.Tray({
icon: icon
// Create tray menu items:
// Separator
var itemSeparator = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'separator' });
// Show status
var itemStatus = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'Status' });
itemStatus.on('click', function() {
// Quit app
var itemQuit = new gui.MenuItem({ type: 'normal', label: 'Quit Pullover' });
itemQuit.on('click', quitApp);
var gui = require("nw.gui"),
fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path");
var WindowList = require("../js/window-list.js").WindowList;
// Use the main window as the backstage window
var backstageWindow = gui.Window.get();
// backstageWindow.showDevTools();
function showBackstageWindow() {;
// Create the tray icon
var tray = new gui.Tray({
title: "",
icon: window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "images/tray_icon@2x.png" : "images/tray_icon.png",
alticon: "",
tooltip: "TiddlyDesktop",
iconsAreTemplates: true
// Give it a menu
var trayMenu = new gui.Menu();
trayMenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({
label: "TiddlyDesktop v" + require("../package.json").version,
enabled: false
trayMenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({
label: "Wiki List",
click: function() {
var skiptext = "Press tab to skip.";
var startup;
if (process.platform === "darwin")
var nativeMenuBar = new gui.Menu(
type: "menubar"
nativeMenuBar.createMacBuiltin("Hot Gifs"); = nativeMenuBar;
//Create tray icon.
var tray = new gui.Tray(
icon: "assets/img/tray.png",
iconsAreTemplates: false
//Give it a menu.
var menu = new gui.Menu();
menu.append(new gui.MenuItem(
label: "Hot Gifs"
menu.append(new gui.MenuItem(
type: "separator"
menu.append(new gui.MenuItem(
function initTray() {
tray = new gui.Tray({ icon: "/app/src/images/icon.png" });
tray.tooltip = "Lightpack Filter";
var trayMenu = new gui.Menu();
trayMenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: "Edit Settings", click: showWindow }));
trayMenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({ type: "separator" }));
trayMenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: "Close", click: close })); = trayMenu;
tray.on("click", showWindow);
win.on("minimize", function() {
var hideWin = function() { = false;
hideItem.label = 'Show';
return win.hide();
this.hideWin = hideWin;
this.showDebug = function() {
this.resizeTo = function(width, height) {
win.resizeTo(width, height);
var tray = new gui.Tray({
icon: 'img/off_tray_icon.png'
var menu = new gui.Menu();
tray.on('click', function() {
if (!; = true;
hideItem.label = 'Hide';
return win.focus();
this.running = false;
var startItem = new gui.MenuItem({
type: 'normal',
label: 'Nevermore',
icon: 'img/off_icon.png',
click: function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast('running', !self.running);