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this.endTouchPoint = function (id) {
// Debug
if (!pointers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
console.error('Pointer ' + id + ' does not exist.')
// For each removed touch.
delete pointers[id]
numPointers -= 1
if (numPointers === 0) {
// So numPointers was one.
// So high-level gesture ends.
this.emit('end', totalTransform)
// Return transforms to identity.
committedTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
totalTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// Debug
if (!pointers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
console.error('Pointer ' + id + ' does not exist.')
// For each removed touch.
delete pointers[id]
numPointers -= 1
if (numPointers === 0) {
// So numPointers was one.
// So high-level gesture ends.
this.emit('end', totalTransform)
// Return transforms to identity.
committedTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
totalTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// Debug
if (!pointers.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
console.error('Pointer ' + id + ' does not exist.')
// For each removed touch.
delete pointers[id]
numPointers -= 1
if (numPointers === 0) {
// So numPointers was one.
// So high-level gesture ends.
this.emit('end', totalTransform)
// Return transforms to identity.
committedTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
totalTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
var Model = function () {
// For ongoing transformation, remember where the pointers started from
// and keep track where they are now. We store this information to
// the pointers variable. It has a property for each current pointer.
// Example:
// {
// 'pointerid': {dx: , dy: , rx: , ry}
// }
var pointers = {}
var numPointers = 0
// Cumulated transformation. Like a history.
var committedTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// When the history is combined with the ongoing transformation,
// the result is total transformation.
var totalTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// Limit the frequency of fired events
// TODO should be done outside of the Model.
var previousMoveDateNow =
var commit = function () {
// Move ongoint transformation to the committed transformation so that
// the total transformation stays the same.
// Commit ongoingTransformation. As a result
// the domain and range of all pointers become equal.
var id, p, domain, range, t
domain = []
proto.toSpace = function () {
// Create a new SpacePoint at same location but represented on space coords.
// Implementation note:
// We already have coord. transf. from the current plane to the space:
// plane._T
var xySpace = this._T.transform(this.xy)
var spaceMock = { '_T': nudged.Transform.IDENTITY }
return new SpacePoint(spaceMock, xySpace)
var Model = function () {
// For ongoing transformation, remember where the pointers started from
// and keep track where they are now. We store this information to
// the pointers variable. It has a property for each current pointer.
// Example:
// {
// 'pointerid': {dx: , dy: , rx: , ry}
// }
var pointers = {}
var numPointers = 0
// Cumulated transformation. Like a history.
var committedTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// When the history is combined with the ongoing transformation,
// the result is total transformation.
var totalTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// Limit the frequency of fired events
// TODO should be done outside of the Model.
var previousMoveDateNow =
var commit = function () {
// Move ongoint transformation to the committed transformation so that
// the total transformation stays the same.
// Commit ongoingTransformation. As a result
// the domain and range of all pointers become equal.
var id, p, domain, range, t
domain = []
var Model = function () {
// For ongoing transformation, remember where the pointers started from
// and keep track where they are now. We store this information to
// the pointers variable. It has a property for each current pointer.
// Example:
// {
// 'pointerid': {dx: , dy: , rx: , ry}
// }
var pointers = {}
var numPointers = 0
// Cumulated transformation. Like a history.
var committedTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// When the history is combined with the ongoing transformation,
// the result is total transformation.
var totalTransform = nudged.Transform.IDENTITY
// Limit the frequency of fired events
// TODO should be done outside of the Model.
var previousMoveDateNow =
var commit = function () {
// Move ongoint transformation to the committed transformation so that
// the total transformation stays the same.
// Commit ongoingTransformation. As a result
// the domain and range of all pointers become equal.
var id, p, domain, range, t
domain = []
// API v3.0.0
var nudged = require('nudged');
module.exports = nudged.Transform;
n = domain.length
for (k in prevPointers) {
if (prevPointers.hasOwnProperty(k) && nextPointers.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
totalTravel += Math.abs(prevPointers[k][0] - nextPointers[k][0]) / n
totalTravel += Math.abs(prevPointers[k][1] - nextPointers[k][1]) / n
// Compute current position of the pivot on the plane.
// Pivot will be undefined if mode has no pivot but enables translation.
pivot = toRawPivot(self.mode, self.plane)
// Get current nudged-compatible transformation type string
type = utils.convertToTransformationType(mode)
// Estimate optimal transformation
tr = nudged.estimate(type, domain, range, pivot)
// Apply the transformation to plane. We also
// memorize the new pointers for the next onMove call.
// We want to memorize only their relative location on the plane.
// This way transformations of the view and parents between
// onMove calls become part of the resulting transformation.
// Note that transformBy emits 'transformed' that might eventually
// cause transformations in the space. Therefore we should do all
// coordinate-plane conversions before transformBy to avoid weird bugs.
if (self.view === self.plane) {
// Somehow we do not need the following line with views:
// pointersOnItem = multiplyLeft(nextPointersOnItem, tr)
// If we use the line, everything shakes.
pointersOnItem = nextPointersOnItem
// Shortcut for:
// itr = new tapspace.geom.ITransform(tr, plane)
var normPivot
if (typeof pivot !== 'undefined') {
normPivot = pivot.toPointOn(plane)
// Allow single points
if (domain.hasOwnProperty('_T')) { domain = [domain] }
if (range.hasOwnProperty('_T')) { range = [range] }
// Convert all SpacePoints onto the plane and to arrays
var normDomain = SpaceTransform.normalizeToPoints(domain, plane)
var normRange = SpaceTransform.normalizeToPoints(range, plane)
// Then compute optimal transformation on the plane
var T = nudged.estimate(type, normDomain, normRange, normPivot)
return new SpaceTransform(plane, T)