Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
return new LocalizedText({ locale: null, text: value });
if (value instanceof LocalizedText) {
return value;
if (!value.hasOwnProperty("text")) {
// tslint:disable:no-console
console.log("value = ", value);
throw new Error("cannot coerce to coerceLocalizedText");
return new LocalizedText(value);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// see Part 3 - $8.5 page 63
const schemaLocalizedText = buildStructuredType({
name: "LocalizedText",
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
fields: [
name: "locale",
fieldType: "LocaleId"
name: "text",
fieldType: "UAString",
defaultValue: () => null
if ((fieldTypeName === "UAString" || fieldTypeName === "String") && === "IndexRange") {
field.fieldType = "NumericRange";
// xx console.log(" NumericRange detected here !");
} else {
field.fieldType = fieldTypeName;
if (!hasBuiltInType(fieldTypeName)) {
throw new Error("Unknown basic type " + fieldTypeName);
field.category = FieldCategory.basic;
structuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType(structuredType as StructuredTypeOptions);
typeDictionary.structuredTypes[name] = structuredTypeSchema;
return structuredTypeSchema;
* @module node-opcua-chunkmanager
import { decodeUInt32, encodeUInt32, UInt32 } from "node-opcua-basic-types";
import { BinaryStream, OutputBinaryStream } from "node-opcua-binary-stream";
import {
check_options_correctness_against_schema, initialize_field,
parameters, StructuredTypeSchema,
} from "node-opcua-factory";
const schemaSequenceHeader: StructuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType({
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
fields: [
// A monotonically increasing sequence number assigned by the sender to each
// MessageChunk sent over the ClientSecureChannelLayer.
{name: "sequenceNumber", fieldType: "UInt32"},
// An identifier assigned by the client to OPC UA request Message. All MessageChunks for
// the request and the associated response use the same identifier.
{name: "requestId", fieldType: "UInt32"},
name: "SequenceHeader",
export class SequenceHeader extends BaseUAObject {
public static possibleFields: string[] = ["sequenceNumber", "requestId"];
public static schema = schemaSequenceHeader;
import {
} from "node-opcua-basic-types";
import { BinaryStream, OutputBinaryStream } from "node-opcua-binary-stream";
import {
buildStructuredType, check_options_correctness_against_schema,
initialize_field, parameters, StructuredTypeSchema
} from "node-opcua-factory";
const schemaAsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader: StructuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType({
name: "AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader",
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
fields: [
// length shall not exceed 256
// The URI of the security policy used to secure the message.
// This field is encoded as a UTF8 string without a null terminator
{ name: "securityPolicyUri", fieldType: "String" },
// The X509v3 certificate assigned to the sending application instance.
// This is a DER encoded blob.
// This indicates what private key was used to sign the MessageChunk.
// This field shall be null if the message is not signed.
// The structure of an X509 Certificate is defined in X509.
// The DER format for a Certificate is defined in X690
} from "node-opcua-factory";
import * as utils from "node-opcua-utils";
import { BinaryStream, OutputBinaryStream } from "node-opcua-binary-stream";
import { ExtensionObject } from "node-opcua-extension-object";
import { _enumerationDataType, DataType } from "./DataType_enum";
import { _enumerationVariantArrayType, VariantArrayType } from "./VariantArrayType_enum";
// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
const schemaVariant: StructuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType({
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
fields: [{
defaultValue: () => DataType.Null,
documentation: "the variant type.",
fieldType: "DataType",
name: "dataType",
}, {
defaultValue: VariantArrayType.Scalar,
fieldType: "VariantArrayType",
name: "arrayType",
}, {
defaultValue: null,
fieldType: "Any",
name: "value",
}, {
defaultValue: null,
function isValidDataValue(self: DataValue): boolean {
if (_.isObject(self.value)) {
return self.value.isValid();
} else {
// in this case StatusCode shall not be Good
assert(self.statusCode !== StatusCodes.Good);
return true;
// OPC-UA part 4 - $7.7
const schemaDataValue: StructuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType({
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
name: "DataValue",
fields: [
{ name: "value", fieldType: "Variant", defaultValue: null },
{ name: "statusCode", fieldType: "StatusCode", defaultValue: StatusCodes.Good },
{ name: "sourceTimestamp", fieldType: "DateTime", defaultValue: null },
{ name: "sourcePicoseconds", fieldType: "UInt16", defaultValue: 0 },
{ name: "serverTimestamp", fieldType: "DateTime", defaultValue: null },
{ name: "serverPicoseconds", fieldType: "UInt16", defaultValue: 0 }
export interface DataValueOptions {
value?: VariantOptions;
statusCode?: StatusCode;
* @module node-opcua-service-secure-channel
// Symmetric algorithms are used to secure all messages other than the OpenSecureChannel messages
// OPC UA Secure Conversation Message Header Release 1.02 Part 6 page 39
import { decodeUInt32, encodeUInt32, UInt32 } from "node-opcua-basic-types";
import { BinaryStream, OutputBinaryStream } from "node-opcua-binary-stream";
import {
initialize_field, StructuredTypeSchema
} from "node-opcua-factory";
const schemaSymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader: StructuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType({
name: "SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader",
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
fields: [
// A unique identifier for the ClientSecureChannelLayer token used to secure the message
// This identifier is returned by the server in an OpenSecureChannel response message. If a
// Server receives a TokenId which it does not recognize it shall return an appropriate
// transport layer error.
{name: "tokenId", fieldType: "UInt32", defaultValue: 0xDEADBEEF}
export class SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader extends BaseUAObject {
public static possibleFields: string[] = ["tokenId"];
import {
decodeStatusCode, decodeString,
encodeByte, encodeInt32,
encodeStatusCode, encodeString,
Int32, UAString
} from "node-opcua-basic-types";
import {
} from "node-opcua-factory";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export const schemaDiagnosticInfo: StructuredTypeSchema = buildStructuredType({
name: "DiagnosticInfo",
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
fields: [
name: "namespaceUri",
fieldType: "Int32",
defaultValue: -1,
documentation: "The symbolicId is defined within the context of a namespace."
name: "symbolicId",
} from "node-opcua-factory";
import * as _ from "underscore";
import { BinaryStream, OutputBinaryStream } from "node-opcua-binary-stream";
import { ExpandedNodeId, makeExpandedNodeId } from "node-opcua-nodeid";
import {
decodeUAString, decodeUInt16, encodeUAString,
encodeUInt16, Int32,
UAString, UInt16
} from "node-opcua-basic-types";
export const schemaQualifiedName = buildStructuredType({
baseType: "BaseUAObject",
name: "QualifiedName",
fields: [
name: "namespaceIndex",
fieldType: "UInt16"
name: "name",
fieldType: "UAString",
defaultValue: () => null